
Thursday, July 31, 2014

heART pocket

this week's DLP challenge is to add a pocket to your page
and fill it with treasures.

so i decided to turn to what i know best…..

and to what i hold near and dear.

because hands-down, the best place to find inspiration
is usually right there next to your heart!

{supplies for this week's DLP challenge:
pitt pens, ink pads, 6B graphite pencil, washi tape}

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

dreams and wishes

when i saw the new DLP challenge to create an illustrated wish list,
my mind immediately went to this artwork i created 
a few years ago about a dream i have…..
because to me, dreams and wishes kind of go hand-in-hand.

but the funny thing about dreaming and wishing 
is sometimes you have to fulfill a wish…..

before you can move on to the dream.

so until then, there's a sweet little yellow house
somewhere in france that's waiting to be filled with lots of love…
and lots of chocolate.  :))

{you can read more about this week's DLP challenge here!
supplies:  moleskine journal, fabriano artistico 140 lb. HP paper,
derwent inktense pencils, PanPastel, pitt pens, 6B pencil, washi tape}

Thursday, July 10, 2014

kindness, hearts, and sunshine

it's week 28 already, and the DLP challenge is to 
add a tiny photo to your page. 
so i decided to pull out one of my favorite pictures…..

and add one of my favorite quotes.

and the result is a page filled with hearts and sunshine….
something this journal girl could never have enough of!

bring on the happy!

{you can read more about the DLP challenge here.
supplies:  moleskine planner, fabriano 140 lb. HP paper, 
derwent inktense pencils, pitt pens, PanPastel, 6B graphite pencil,
uniball signo broad white pen, washi tape} 

Friday, July 4, 2014

red, white and blue

heartfelt gratitude to all those,
past and present, who have so faithfully 
served to protect our freedoms.

sending all my sweet friends here in America
many star-spangled-hugs for a very
Happy Independence Day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


when life gets kinda crazy,
sometimes the best solution is to put everything aside,
pull out your journal,
and start to fill your page with a little doodly-do…..

especially your favorite doodly-do.

your creative side will thank you immensely,
and you'll be amazed at how a little watercolor and your favorite pen
always sets things right with the world again!

{this catch-up journal page was created for the DLP week 26 prompt:
"add a Bible verse that inspires you".
supplies:  moleskine journal, fabriano artistico 140lb HP paper,
derwent inktense pencils, pitt pens, 6B & 4B graphite pencils, washi tape}