
Thursday, September 3, 2015

mini-doodle stamps

not too long ago, we brought home our sweet little two-month-old
mini-goldendoodle puppy, Gidget…..

and it's hard to believe, but this weekend 
we're celebrating her first birthday already!  woo hoo!

she is just as sweet as she can be, and some of her favorite pastimes are
playing, eating treats, playing, barking at nothing, carrying big sticks,
going outside so she can try to eat some mulch, playing, stealing socks….
and running in the field.  

she absolutely loves to run in the field.  she's a very normal puppy.
well….normal….until i mention that she also loves to go to the post office 
with me.  i know.  that's a little less normal, and kind of a long story. 
but, the other day i was thinking about how we've got a  
and inspiration struck! 

i was thinking how the post office likes to commemorate big events with
 a series of new stamps, and since Gidget's first birthday is a big event
{and me actually surviving the first year is an even bigger event!},
i've decided to create a series of illustrated faux-postage stamps 
for our mini-goldendoodle who loves to go to the post office!
so, the first thing i did was start sketching lots of different stamp shapes…..

 and then i created a template of the stamp sizes i liked the best
by placing a couple of strips of packaging tape 
over my drawings and cutting out the "middles".  then i trimmed the 
tape around the edges of the paper, and now it's nice and sturdy,
and the paper won't tear as i'm tracing around the inside to create my stamps.

the next step was to draw the "stamp" template shape onto my paper,
then i added some drawing and coloring…..
and here's our Gidget with her very own faux-postage stamp
to commemorate her big day!

and here's a sweet little "initial tag" for her to wear on her collar!

i have lots of fun ideas for more "mini-doodle stamps", 
now all i need is the time to create them…..
when there's a puppy around, finding creative time is the 
biggest challenge of all!  :))

{this faux micro-postage stamp is about 1/2" wide, and was created on
fabriano artistico 140 lb. HP paper using prismacolor verithin pencils,