
Monday, January 31, 2011

inspiration monday

when i go to the bookstore, i make a beeline for the children's section......i always find the most wonderful little books there......

with the most fabulous illustrations.....and this little board book is no exception! how could i possibly resist this sweet little makes-me-happy-pastel-doodle-elephant?!

so when i got home, i decided to try that same "elephant technique" in my journal.  i took a piece of paper and randomly stamped some images using some hand-carved stamps.  then i put some splotches of pastel here and there......and cut out three free-form heart shapes.  next i added some doodles to the hearts.......

and glued them onto a journal page that had been previously watercolored.  add some flower petals, some stems and a few leaves.......and voila, those seeds of inspiration have grown their very own garden!

materials used:  watercolor, uniball signo white gel pen, charcoal white pencil, watersoluble pencil 8B, hand-carved stamps, chalk pastel
click on image for larger view

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

window shopping

still having a ball playing with my pottery barn catalog!  so many fabulous things in there that are on my wish list......but right now, this is the next best thing!

i'll be away from blogland for the next few days.....going to take some time away with my little dutch sweetie and  do some "real life" window shopping (but i'll have my credit card with me just in case of emergency!! heehee).  see you on monday!

journal page finished using watercolor, micron pen, and a 4B pencil.
click on image for better view

Monday, January 24, 2011

inspiration monday

it's true what they say:  inspiration really will strike when you least expect it.  the other day i was surfing through my new pottery barn catalog, and when i saw these fabulous birdcages.....

this image popped into my brain and i had to doodle it onto some paper right away!  i'm not sure why the birdcage is sitting on top of a box, but inspiration is a little kooky that way sometimes!
{i'm also not sure why the birdcage doesn't have a door.....maybe that's why the little birdie is so happy?!}

doodle finished onto a separate piece of paper and added to my journal......
watercolor, watercolor pencil, micron pens, 4B pencil
click on image for better view

Friday, January 21, 2011

three stamps and a journal

i remember a very talented art instructor telling me long ago that "your artwork isn't finished until you've signed it".  so i've created this little doodle stamp to add to journal pages, tags, the back of a handmade card, or any other favorite project that might need "finishing".

and here's one to document all those hours spent working in your favorite journal.....and drinking all of those grande-choco-lattes.....while at your favorite coffee shop! 

 just to give notice to all of that important stuff in your life, this stamp can be used to make tags for a special gift, your own note pads, or to hi-light special days on your calendar.

and i can't think of a better creative playground than one of these blank watercolor journals......the arches textwove paper on the covers, and the 140 lb. strathmore paper inside make it the perfect surface for your favorite wet or dry medium!

whatever your art tools of choice are, i hope you find lots of creative time to play with them this weekend......enjoy!

you can read more information about any of these items in my etsy shop!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"keep a green tree in your heart
and perhaps a singing bird will come."

more blue and green......with just a hint of hot pink and yellow-orange (my vacation from using orange didn't last too long, did it.....!).

journal page finished using watercolor, watercolor pencil, micron pen,  and graphite pencil 

Monday, January 17, 2011

inspiration monday

i've been wanting to take my artwork in a bit of a different direction for a while now.  sometimes just changing your favorite color palette is all you need to put a new perspective on things (can you believe that no orange was used to create this journal page?!!).  who knew that blue and green watercolor could be so much fun to play with.....!

this journal page was created using micron pens, graphite pencil and watercolors on fabriano artistico 140 lb. soft press paper
click on image for better view

Friday, January 14, 2011

paper fabulousness

there's lots of fabulous paper out there (and one peek into my stash would reveal that i probably own at least two sheets of each of it!).  but sometimes a sheet of really, really fabulous paper falls in your lap, and you want to do something really, really fabulous with showcase all it's fabulousness on the covers of an art journal.

but this isn't just any fabulous paper.......
it's paper that was lovingly and skillfully stenciled by my dear fabulous friend and partner-in-art-crimes martha lever.....

and not only is this paper fabulous, 
it's also artsy, genuine, one-of-a-kind, colorful, unique, exceptional,  primo, special, vibrant, one and only, zesty, sparkling,  creative, energetic, and extremely imaginative......much like the fabulous martha-artist herself!

see more of martha's beautiful artwork here!
and you can read more information about this art journal here in my etsy shop

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

happy zone

i treated myself to some fabriano artistico 140 lb. soft press's nice and heavy like watercolor paper, but the surface is smoother, making it a little easier to letter on.  i haven't had a chance to do much experimenting with it yet, so i decided to make a little journal "teesha-style".....these are super easy to make, and i love the fact that there aren't lots and lots of pages inside that i'll feel obligated/intimidated to fill up right away!!  pure happiness!!

this journal cover was created using watercolor pencils, micron pens, graphite pencil, and pan pastel.
click on image for larger view

Monday, January 10, 2011

inspiration monday

i had some time for a little journal play yesterday, and i was inspired to use some materials i don't reach for very often......watercolor crayons and some watersoluble pencils.  the crayons gave a nice vivid watercolor on the page, and the pencils were fun to use......i just made lines on the page and then went over the marks using a wet paintbrush (the water softens the lines and creates a grey wash).  these supplies, along with your waterbrush, would be great to travel with, and they're perfect for times when you only have a few minutes of creative time left in your day!  

word images are from my red rubber collection.

Friday, January 7, 2011

nobody but you

i've been wanting to sit down with my art journal all week.....and i finally treated myself to thirty minutes of creative time and pure bliss with my micron pens, pan pastels, watercolor pencils and a rubber stamp.  this journal is actually just a pad of 140 lb. watercolor paper that i tore the pages down to different sizes to add a little more interest.  
and......if you're looking for some great art journaling inspiration, julie fei-fan balzer has coordinated a fabulous group of artists with her "art journal every day" project......and today she's put together a magnificent post full of great tips for getting your art space organized!  thanks, julie!!!
hope you have a fun, creative weekend just being you!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

there's a new nut in town

several months ago i discovered that my body doesn't tolerate wheat very well (i'm okay with gluten, just not the wheat), and i must admit that i was pretty bummed out at first........okay, it was an all-out pity party.......but then again, what's a party without all of my favorite party fare like cinnamon rolls, an assortment of gooey, crusty panini, and cookies, cookies, cookies?!  so i've been on the hunt for decent tasting treats,  and while i found some wheat-free delights at the grocery store, i'm not crazy with how overly sweet all of the rice-flour-gluten-free products taste (can't believe i just said that).   i've been reading a lot of great things about almond flour, so i ordered some......and if proof is in the bag alone, i'm definitely on to something......this is pure almond happiness!!

and combined with this cookbook, i should be back in pastry paradise in no time (i'm thinking that chocolate cake with the mile-high frosting will be a great place to start, don't you?!)!

Monday, January 3, 2011

inspiration monday

is everyone inspired to begin another great year of creativity?!!
there's nothing quite like a holiday break to get yourself rested and reacquainted with all of your favorite art supplies!
but before i jump into the new year, i have one project leftover from last year......
i filled up the inside of my orange journal last month, but didn't have anything on the, here's a little doodle that i finished a few days ago for the front cover.....


and here's a video i made to give you a peek inside, start to finish!
you can also watch it in larger format here at you tube.

i'm looking forward to spending this creative new year with you!!