
Friday, February 18, 2011

florida palm

we have several palm trees in our yard.  i like to call them "florida palms", although i'm sure that's not their scientific name.  

they're spikey, and spiney, and have tons of texture with all of that moss tucked in and around everywhere.

i tried to climb one when i was a only have to do that once to know it's not a good idea.  so as a bigger kid now, i'll just admire from a distance and try to sketch them...... :))

sketch pages created using koi watercolor, micron pen, pencil, and pan pastel.


  1. these are beautiful, lori....i remember all those "florida palms" and the sound they made when the wind blew....i noticed them most at nite when i was in soothing...they put you to sleep...;)

  2. Beautiful! I loved seeing palms when we lived in Belize. Never tried climbing one though - ouch!

  3. i wish i could plant palms trees in my backyard. so lovely. thanks for sharing your sketchbook.

  4. I love trees and palm trees always seemed exotic to me. You have taken me to another place today.

  5. Love it Lori!!! Your artwork is so very great!!!

  6. Wow Lori...I can truly feel the texture on your trunk drawing. Absolutely amazing!!! Happy weekend...

  7. Love this...I'm looking forward to seeing Florida palms in a few weeks when we head south for Spring Break!

  8. Every now & then I talk about Florida Palms to my husband or to my students. It makes my head swoon and my heart flutter just remembering them. If I talk about them out loud, I believe it brings them closer...and then I can feel their sunny warmth and spiny texture and hear their fingers swaying...oh how I miss these. Thank you, lori. I am smiling and teary at the warm memories. Palm trees...south...sun...heat. aaah.

    Gorgeous sketchbook pages.♥

  9. LOVE this, so happy and colourful. Well done clever you !!!

  10. this looks fabulous. really, really beautiful! at first look i thoguht i was on alisa's blog. i wanted to take this class before, but now i really want to take it!

  11. Absolutely love it Lori. I am really enjoying drawing and I can't wait for tomorrow so she will post this week!

  12. Lori you were meant to doodle and sketch...this is so great!!

  13. lori, i have to tell you, i was SO EXCITED when i saw palm trees! i had never seen any before - in my whole life! i think that was one of the most memorable things of our trip to florida - the palm trees, the spanish moss and the air plants that are growing on everything! :-)
    you did a lovely job capturing them on paper! xoxo

  14. Mine are oak, maple and pine...but a palm would surely shine! I love your drawings!!! :D Paulette xo
