
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

choose happy

i've been wanting to learn some of the in's & out's of photoshop for a long time......right now i know just enough to be dangerous, and i don't really have the patience to sit and figure the rest of it out!  but kim klassen has made the world a very happy place by offering a free (yes, it's free!!) online photoshop class!  she's a wonderful teacher, and her photographs are absolutely gorgeous!!  just click here to register......her new session just started a couple of days ago, so maybe you can still get in!  


  1. "Choose Happy" - what a great phrase :) and Photoshop is pretty amazing. The things you can do these days...

  2. have fun learning! photoshop is amazing!!!!! xoxo

  3. Adorable ! And I love the zingy colours too

  4. Aw man..I wish I would have seen this earlier. I'll have to catch the next class :) I really want to learn to use photoshop to its fullest extent.

    "choose happy"...I like that :)
