
Monday, April 4, 2011

inspiration monday

i can't think of anything more inspiring than getting together with my art buddies and spending the entire day playing with letters.....and this past saturday we did just that!  we talked, ate a bit of chocolate, laughed, and learned a lot about graphite.   our instructor was eliza holliday.....and if you're a letter geek like me, then you probably know her work, and you're probably already drooling over the thought of her gorgeous, gorgeous letterforms!  

eliza taught us a lot about shading and blending......

and then she encouraged us to really play for a while.
{this started out as a capital letter A......i'm not really sure what it is now, but i think he's kind of a strange-creature-on-two-wheels kinda way.}

this was the best saturday i've spent in a long, long time!  many hugs to eliza and my sweet special art buddies for a fabulous day of graphite play!  and thank you mr. yellow papermate sharpwriter #2 automatic pencil for providing so much inspiration!!

you can see eliza's beautiful hand-lettered graphite book here!


  1. How I wish I could rub shoulders with all you talented artists. So glad you all blog. Would you like to come to SLC to teach us here?

  2. Love the idea of a whole Art Saturday, lucky you!!
    The "L" is gorgeous!

  3. reminds me of my college days! you did a great job! i love your little A creature - too cute! xo

  4. Sounds wonderful, lori! Your art is always such a joy to view...♥

  5. Glad you had such a fun day! I love all the shading and variations on the letters.

  6. Oh, such creativity ! I am envious !!!

  7. When I graduated from college I started work at Hallmark Cards in the Lettering department. I was surrounded by people who loved letters. I miss that and envy your lettering day!

  8. I can so tell how much fun you had! What a wonder to do such fabulous play with a pencil.
    Doyald Yound, a master at the pencil drawing letters, just passed. This reminds me again what this simple tool can produce. Well done!

  9. I know it was a wonderful day, how could it not be! :)

    Lori, love how you play!

  10. Magnificent letters, Lori! Amazing that a little pencil is all it takes. Well, and a lot of talent!

  11. your lettering is always so much fun. Love the A-on-wheels :)

  12. Beautiful work Lori! I loved the video too. Eliza's wonderful brush lettering book is in my library (and is nearly worn out).
