
Thursday, February 23, 2012

happy houndstooth

when it came time to start drawing in my new catalog, i knew exactly what my first entry would houndstooth reading glasses!  they are they first thing i look for when i walk into my studio, and they're the last thing i put down when i leave.  on my list of happy-art-stuff, they rank numero uno because when it comes to creating, they see so much better than i ever could......

and they really are an art-girl's best friend!!

{this catalog page was created using micron pens, 
derwent watercolor pencils, koi watercolor, 3B graphite pencil.}


  1. Amen to the reading glasses! Loving the new painting.

  2. Great idea to draw the glasses, they are so pretty with that pattern!

  3. I have always loved your art glasses, lori!

  4. Lori, How true! I couldn't create without my readers!!! They sure are numero uno! Love, love "your" houndstooth. They are such fun too. What another great journal this will be. Best, Jeanette

  5. Clever... yes, this is an important tool in my studio too! Thank you for sharing, lovely drawing too :]

  6. What cooool glasses and how cooool is that incorporating them into your book.....super!!! love it!!1

  7. and they really are such cute glasses ! Never actually seen you wearing them though! ;-)

  8. Must admit to admiring your glasses for a long time! I have to take my glasses off when I'm crafting. They varifocals and the long distance is fine but I do need my prescription changed for the close work. At the moment I'm sticking to them as they are, I'd sooner spend the money on craft :o)

    Margaret xx

  9. How I love your glasses. Whenever I see a peek of them on your blog .... I think that's Lori!! I love the idea of this little journal and it is very appropriate to have the glasses at the beginning. I know for myself (midlife) that I can't see worth a darn without my reading glasses!

  10. Great tribute to the "Can't live without readers". Weekend Wheeeeeeee as the little piggy would say...

  11. What a great start to your new catalog! My readers are also my best friend and most important tool I own. Wish they were fun and funky like yours though.

  12. This is a classic choice for your new catalog. I LOVE seeing those glasses in your photos--it's become trademark Lori to me!

  13. He he nice! Love all your drawing as always :-)

  14. Seriously Lori...your talents are endless. Love your cute glasses! :)
