
Monday, May 28, 2012

inspiration monday - Happy Memorial Day!

on this Memorial Day, 
we're remembering the fallen heroes who
have fought and sacrificed 
for our many freedoms and liberties.....
and with grateful hearts, we pray
for the safety of all those who
so bravely continue to do so. 

{journal page created in my strathmore visual journal for mixed media,
derwent inktense pencils, pitt pens, 4B graphite pencil}


  1. Happy Memorial Day to you also, what a wonderful tribute, hugs

  2. Lori Happy Memorial Day, I like a lot your inspiration for this day.
    Overall I love the way you work.
    I'm definitely your faithful follower

  3. Very well said Lori Dear. Your heart in the star is perfect. Blessings...

  4. Amen to that!!!
    Well said!

  5. Lovely page, perfect for your Memorial Day. My FiL was at the Normandy landings serving in the British Navy so your Armed forces are in our prayers too

    We have our Armed Forces Day on the 30th June

    hugs, Margaret xx

    ps checkout my blog, I've done a REAL journal page. Used a pencil and drew my own elements!!! Need a lie down now, it was hard work hehehe xx

  6. Absolutely beautiful, as always! I was blessed with the opportunity to spend Memorial Day at the Braves game in Atlanta, complete with a 21 gun salute, an F-16 flyover, and a surprise military homecoming on the field! Incredible :) Happy Memorial Day to you & yours

  7. Very thankful for all who serve! and especially thankful that my son returned from deployment last Friday!

  8. So amazing. I simply love everything you create Lori.

  9. Hi Lori-

    So excited my "speedball carving kit" should be arriving soon and I'll be sure to share my stamps once I complete them! Oh, and I finally ordered the "Walls Notebook" and I'm just so excited to conjour up something fun.

    Love your new page..

  10. Ha ha - that's a great picture of Sophie. Of course she will love the quilt. Heck, it's so sweet it even makes me want to have a girl.

  11. I love that Sweet Land of Liberty entry. So beautifully drawn!
