
Thursday, September 27, 2012

hello, ducky.....

i recently stopped by a little pond to take a picture of this cute little guy.....

and when i turned around, i discovered he had some friends.

actually, he had lots......

and lots of friends.

and before i knew it, i was in the midst of duck-pandemonium.
and giggling.  uncontrollably.

i hope you do something fun this weekend 
that has you feeling just like that!  xo

Monday, September 24, 2012

inspiration monday

take an empty space......

(and resolve to not get distracted by what's going on around you.....)

then add some love, patience, and lots of nurturing.....
(a few nibbles of chocolate helps, too)

and in no time you'll have a lush inspiration garden
that's overgrown with creative goodness....
along with grass so tall you couldn't see the other side,
 even if you wanted to!  woo hoo!

{created in my walls notebook using pitt pens, white uniball signo pen,
derwent watercolor pencils, and a 4B graphite pencil}

Thursday, September 20, 2012

giveaway winner!

the random integer has chosen a number.....

and that means miss marple has won a seat in the life stuff coptic journal class!
woo hoo!!

thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you
who stopped by my blog and left such wonderfully sweet and heartfelt comments
to help me celebrate my new online class!!
i'm sending each and every one of you a big, humongous chocolate-covered-hug,
and i wish you a fabulous weekend!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

inspiration monday.....and a giveaway!

when you go out searching for the perfect journal,
what do you look for?

one that lays flat when you open it?  
one that's not too small.....or not too big?
one that has the perfect paper inside?

well, i think there's no better way to get exactly what you want than by creating it yourself!
so, let's make a my new online class, offered over at creative workshops!!  

i'm super excited to announce my new adventure....
.....and it starts on october 29th!!  woo hoo!

i've got lots of videos and printouts to show you how to create your own
40-page watercolor journal with those
gorgeous coptic chain stitches trickling down the spine......

and we'll even put some artwork on the covers!
(i'm providing this artwork design for you to use, 
but if you'd rather create a more personalized cover, i'll share some tips on that, too!) 

and once we're finished, you'll have your very own coptic journal
with lots of blank pages inside to create all that happy-life-stuff-artwork
you have swirling around in your head!

for more information and registration,
please click here!


to celebrate, i'd love to give away a seat in the class!
all you have to do is leave a comment (just one, please!) on this post by 
wednesday, september 19th at 10:00 p.m. (EST)!  
once the comments are closed on wednesday, i'll randomly choose a name 
and announce it on thursday, september 20th!
please make sure your comment either links back to 
your blog, or you leave your e-mail so i can contact you if your name is chosen!
(this giveaway is open to all those who are 18 years of age or older.)

and.....if you've already registered for the class, please join in the giveaway!
if your name is chosen, your registration fee will be refunded to you!

edited:  comments are now closed.....thank you to all those who entered the giveaway!!

{this class is hosted by creative workshops.  once the class opens on october 29th, all those who are registered will receive an invitation to the class and all of the videos and printouts will be available right away.    the class is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can work at your own pace and you'll have access to the class whenever you want.  this class will be offered for at least one year (and most likely longer), so you'll have plenty of time to finish viewing all of the videos.  for more information, please click here!}

Thursday, September 13, 2012

permission granted.....

when in doubt,
julia always knows best!

i hope you have a delicious weekend!
(and please join me on monday!
i have an exciting announcement.....
and a giveaway!)

{artwork created in my walls notebook using pitt pens,
derwent inktense watercolor pencils, graphite pencils, pan pastel}

Monday, September 10, 2012

inspiration monday

autumn is almost upon us....

but i'm still finding it easy......

to be inspired by some of my favorite summertime things!

(well, except for the pesky heat in the air that keeps melting my chocolate.....
 or maybe i'm just not eating it fast enough!  heeheehee)

{this artwork was created in a semikolon graph paper journal
using assorted graphite pencils}

Thursday, September 6, 2012

green, pink, yellow and brown

it's amazing what you can find in your
very own backyard!

i hope this weekend offers you lots of time
to enjoy the beautiful things around you!

Monday, September 3, 2012

inspiration monday

have you ever found yourself standing
in front of two doors......

but you can only choose one?

on the surface,  they might look quite the same.....

 but the smallest changes (even with just a word or two),
can create an entirely situation.....

and inspiration will always reward you
when you notice the difference.

(p.s.  now go out and make it happen!)

{this artwork was created in my walls notebook using pitt pens,
derwent watercolor pencils, graphite pencils, white uniball signo pen}