
Monday, January 14, 2013

inspiration monday

happy new year, bloggy sweeties!!
my first project of 2013 is to finish
a project from last elvie journal!

so, first......all those miscellaneous art supplies i love so much
 fit perfectly on that last blank page..... about some inspiration on that little flap in 
the front of the journal.....

and a quick list of materials on the back flap
(because i'll forget if i don't write it down, guaranteed!).

now all that's left to finish is the back cover, so i'm off to get busy!
but before i go, here's a little resolution i plan to follow this year.....heeheehee  :))

{this artwork was created in my elvie journal using pitt artist pens,
derwent inktense pencils, koi watercolor, white uniball signo pen, 4B pencil}


  1. welcome back! i hope your "holiday break" from blogging was restful...

  2. So good to see your name on my side bar! Hope you had a wonder Christmas and break!

    Love your elvie journal...and you!

  3. So glad your back you were missed. Have you ever considered putting together a coffe table book of your journal pages? I would be the first to purchase one!

    Thank you for all your inspiration!

  4. Lori, Happy New Year and welcome back. I'm joining the chocolate consumption movement to ensure happiness & creativity!!! :)
    What a fabulous journal, filled with lots of inspiration and wonderful supplies.
    Wishing you a wonderful new year overflowing your heart with everything that makes you joyful, inspired and lots of laughter.

  5. Love it! I've been missing your posts.

  6. I'm glad to see again his paintings and creations. Best regards and Happy 2013. I will keep visiting your blog. Kisses.

  7. Congratulations on this new year to you too ... I love seeing your posts again, I hope you enjoyed the holidays time with your family .

  8. Now my Monday is complete. Love seeing your artful inspiration...complete with chocolate and the best tip ever. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  9. Happy New Year!
    Your little Elvie journal is a gem Lori :)

    Welcome back (mondays just aren't the same without your inspiration post).

  10. Just looking at your pictures makes me happy - love your stuff! :)

  11. Hi Lori! I woke up thinking aout you today...and patiently awaited Monday Inspiration! I am just in the door, with my coat still on! Thank you for the dose of elvie sweetness! Happy week to you, kathy

  12. Bonne année et meilleurs voeux,
    What a lovely surprise to see a link to your post in my email box this morning. Your journal looks adorable and I love love love your Chocolatie Resolution mmmmm yum yum.
    I'm looking forward to seing more of your beautifylly decorated pages.

  13. Fab!! I'm going to show this to hubby. I keep telling him that chocolate is good for me but he won't believe me lol

    Margaret xx

  14. I love this project Lori, I love the materials you use, the result you get and I love the final tip ... eat chocolate ... it's what I do best.
    Cant wait to see the back cover!
    I'm not sure if I can express myself well in English (with the help of my translator), please let me know if I say something stupid, lol
    Un abrazo desde Barcelona!

  15. Welcome back! I missed your posts. Best Wishes to you for 2013!!!

  16. It's been a pleasure sharing your journey thanks for posting with us

  17. yay! you are back. do you get tired of me telling you that you, your talent and art rock?
