
Monday, January 13, 2014

inspiration monday

as a collector of quotes, this magazine ad quickly made its way
 into my inspiration file as soon as i saw it!
but the other day, it caught my eye again…..
this time, not for the quotes, but for those fabulous talk bubbles!

so i decided to have some bubbly fun with one of my new stamps….

and then i took a nosedive into my vast collection of alphabet stickers.

 after a little punching….

and some stamping, and gluing…..

i had created this fun little bubbly card!
which just goes to show that what inspires us one day,
can easily inspire us another day…...for a completely new reason!

{supplies:  white card stock, hugs & kisses stamp, alphabet stickers, scrapbook paper, 
foam tape, tombow tape runner, micron pen, charcoal stamp pad}

{you can see my rubber stamp designs here}


  1. Well done, Lori! I am always amazed at how my projects transform themselves completely from what I initially envisioned due to some random bit of inspiration. Happy Monday!

  2. Very nice. I'm intrigued how you did the word bubble.

  3. Fabulous!! One of these days I'm going to have to have a go with some of your ideas. Not that I'll have such fantastic results ;)
    Margaret xx

  4. So adorable! I am going to add this to my inspiration board on pinterest.

  5. Looking at something with "different eyes" is what my Grandmother always did. Great Valentine card dear...

  6. very nice - a great start to your week! :)

  7. I love it! The card is so sweet :) And you make it look like so much fun to make. Have a great week Lori!
