
Thursday, January 30, 2014

pleasant spring

over the past several weeks, i've seen lots of gray days…..

i've watched first snowfalls…..

and i've heard the crunch of it beneath my feet.

and as a girl from florida, i'm certainly not an expert on winter...
but i think this surely must mean we're in for a
very pleasant spring, don't you?  :))

{photos taken in the appalachian mountains of north carolina}


  1. Well I'm in Florida again (back from the UK where I normally live) and it ... is ... COLD here today. But at least it isn't snowing. Corinne

  2. Hi Sweetie! Your pictures are so beautiful...I always want winter to last longer than it does! Hee hee! xoxo

  3. Yes! I agree. Your photos are really nice. I love the winter but don't mind if it's a short season ;) Have a great weekend Lori!

  4. I'm in the mountains of North Carolina, originally from Florida, and I love the snow, but spring does have a special place in my heart.♥

  5. I love the quote! We live in Asheville now, but we are South Florida transplants here 7.5 years. I love the snow, but love spring too!
