
Monday, February 1, 2016

more winter comfort

while the winter temperatures continue to drop outside,
 me and my doodle pencil have been oh-so-happy inside 
channeling lots of goodies on my comfort list.   
for example, a personalized set of "elvie gloves" 
to keep my hands warm….

heading outside wearing
a pair of super cute boots, a beanie, and
 a polka-dot scarf….

wrapping up in a toasty blanket 
while enjoying a bowl of tomato soup and grilled cheese sammie….

wearing a pair of argyle socks and bunny slippers 
while swooning over the intoxicating aroma of 
chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven….

and always, always having a mug of hot chocolate nearby.
(actually, the cookies and hot chocolate goes for any time of the year…!)

it's winter and it's crazy cold outside,
but i'm super happy with so many things that truly warm my heart!

{note:  the only thing i would change about this artwork is the paper.  
this project began as a simple doodle on a piece of textwove paper 
that i randomly pulled out of my drawer.  as i continued to work along,
i really struggled against the softness of the paper and it didn't take
well to erasing at all.  next time i'll definitely grab my favorite
fabriano artistico 140 lb. hot press paper!}

{supplies:  this artwork was created using derwent watercolor and
 inktense pencils and a .3 mechanical pencil on arches textwove paper}


  1. Do cute stuff !!I loved your doodling n handwriting !

  2. I love your Winter Comfort drawings! They're all so warm and cozy. The tomato sandwiches and grilled cheese really jumped off the page at me because they are my favorite comfort foods!

    If you don't mind me asking, what kind of doodle pencil are you using?
    It's the pencil in the first pic, right?

    Wishing you a creative day!

  3. This is lovely. Just love it and your style. So cute!

  4. hi everyone! thank you SO much for your kind words!! Donna…..the pencil i use is a Graph600 mechanical drafting pencil made by pentel that has a .3 lead. it gives a much more delicate, thinner line, but also breaks a little easier. i couldn't find it in the same color, but here's a link for the same pencil in navy. xox

  5. love all of these things! thanks for the adorable drawings...

  6. This is perfect for reflecting on all the warm comforts we enjoy during this icy cold Winter. I'm ready for the tomato soup and grilled cheese sammie with chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa. So very sweet dear...

  7. I'm so glad your back with your art….I was having withdrawal attacks. This "Winter Comfort" page is beautiful.

  8. è sempre un piacere venirti a trovare... scalda il cuore!

  9. adorable. Have you considered selling some of your prints? they'd make a cute poster.

  10. It looks really wonderful and just like winter should be :D

  11. I love your style, Lori! I'd give everything to taste choco-chip cookies now. Though the temperature's falling, the atmosphere on your blog is just so warm and cozy. Thanks.
    Bless you and yours,
