
Monday, February 24, 2014

inspiration monday

i went out on a "retail safari" the other day and found this new grid paper pad.   i know it seems a bit kooky to get excited about a pad of paper with lots of non-repro-blue boxes on it, but i'll openly admit i absolutely love me a grid!  and once i added a new pencil to the mix, inspiration wasn't far behind…..

because before i knew it,  i was doodling fun letters and little swirlies…..

along with some whimsical little scallop banners…..

and other things straight from the heart.

but what surprised me was this little girlie.  i don't normally draw people, or pencil-shaded trees, and i don't know anyone named phoebe…..but here she is with her hair blowing in the breeze and a basket on her arm!

which just goes to show…..when you go on retail safari,  you never know where inspiration is going to lead you with all your new supplies!  

p.s.  and speaking of retail safari,
i also picked up the mar/april issue of Somerset Studio magazine…...

thank you, christen,  for the absolutely beautiful feature!!  xox
(i. am. SO. excited!!!)

{supplies:  bienfang grid paper, 6B uni pencil}


  1. Congratulations Lori!! Well deserved! :)

  2. Congrats Lori! SO happy for your article and your inspiration.

  3. Congratulations!!!! I'm so glad you are being recognized for the wonderfully talented artist that you are!!! xoxox Michele

  4. couldn't happen to a more awesome chickpea! congrats and it was great meeting phoebe!

  5. Lori!
    How wonderful for your talents and creativity to be recognized in Somerset!!! Guess where I'll be headed to tonight after work?!?
    Can't wait!!!

    I love how you can take what would seem as simple supplies, and turn them into fabulousness!!! I too love grid paper, somehow it doens't seem so intimidating when there's already something ON the paper. ;)

    Thanks for the treat to start my week!

  6. I Love It! Congratulations and I must read your published art. I do have grid paper and a new pencil...nothing appears on my page. I adore you going on "Retail Safari". Maybe that is what I need. Let's eat chocolate and have Creative Bliss...

  7. So happy for you! Will have to go and get a copy asap….Congratulations…..couldn't happen to a nicer artist!

  8. Lori, I am so happy that you received this much deserved recognition! This is my first comment on your response page and I apologize for not responding sooner to all of the beautiful, creative and inspirational ideas that you so graciously share. I am currently taking your Letter Lab class and I absolutely love it, I am so sorry that one misguided soul posted a negative comment. I have enjoyed every moment of your class. Due to some major health issues, I have not been able to complete your entire class in my expected time frame. I purchased your class over two months ago and I have had so much fun practicing your beginning technique every chance I get on any piece of paper that slips into view! LOL.
    You have instilled in me a confidence to enjoy and discover new facets of my cursive penmenship which was carefully honed during my 13 years of a catholic school education. I am sure that Sr. Jude would be so proud to see what I can now do with my signature!
    You are such a talented and supportive instructor. Your patient and understanding voice has been a very healing presence to my days, and for that, I want to thank you .
    Sending you grateful hugs,

  9. Oh I must go to Barnes and Noble and pick up this magazine and see your article. Congratulations Lori!

    ♥Lee Ann

  10. I surfed over here from Encouragement is Contagious and am delighted to have made the discovery! I'll be back to explore more and visit often.

    Your e-course sounds very intriguing and interesting and fun. I'm sorry I missed it. Perhaps you'll offer it again sometime...?

    A Glowing Ember

  11. Oh! Will have to pick up a copy? I used to subscribe but replaced it with artful blogging.

  12. Oh, the fun of a retail safari! Looks like you picked up some neat stuff.

    Congrats on being published! I love Somerset Studios, and I'll be picking up a copy. I look forward to reading your article.

    Have a glorious day,

  13. I love 6B. My fave pencil. I love Phoebe too!!! :)

  14. As a dutch person I had to smile at the 'prima zo'. It means 'It's good the way it's going.' It can be a sign of contentment (when it's about yourself) or a sign of approval (when it's about somebody else).
    Really like this page and...there's nothing wrong with a good grid! ;_)

  15. Congratulations, Lori
    I love your work.
