
Monday, March 3, 2014

inspiration monday

every year around this time, i start to get a little antsy
with all of the grey, grey, grey of winter…..

and i start wishing for some color.

lots of bright, happy, colorful springtime color…..

inspired by lots of bright, happy, colorful springtime flowers!

{supplies:  moleskine watercolor journal, derwent inktense pencils, micron pens,
derwent watercolor pencils, uniball signo broad white gel pen, 6B and 3B graphite pencils}


  1. Lori,
    I adore your page!! The pitcher of flowers is a feast for the eyes and the quote is perfect!
    It has been A winter and I too need color and flowers and am getting fidgety too! Been decorating for spring inside since the outside is still in it's monochromatic reign...
    Here's to a delightfully bright and colorful week!

  2. What a happy post! Your flowers are a delight. I wish I had that pitcher full of flowers sitting on my table.

    Have a wonderful week.

  3. So pretty…..I love your art, Lori!

  4. Absolutely delicious! And, I am in exactly the same place. I just went on a bit of a spending spree and bought a whole bunch of art supplies this weekend, so Colour, here I come!

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a lovely note over at my place the other day. So happy to see you!

    A Glowing Ember

  5. Absolutely stunning - really cheerful on a grey day with rain hammering it down - and extremely cold

  6. I love this, Laurie! And congratulations on the fabulous article in Somerset Studio. Glad to see you spreading your sunshine around!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous! Definitely a lot of grey here too, but not with the weather :(

    Margaret xx

  8. What a great quote from one of my favorite painters! Love your page!

  9. Monet is one of my favorite painters...and you of course! Happy Spring Colorful Flowers Soon Dear...

  10. This is so pretty Lori! It makes even a die-hard winter lover like me ...wish for spring flowers! xoxo

  11. I love grey winter! But your flowers make me happy :)

  12. Somehow I missed this post last week. Glad I saw it on your new FB page. It is so cheerful. I learn something new everytime you post. This time it was the shading you put in the corner of your frames. I like that! Happy Spring, Lori!
