in my last post i "revealed" a sneak peek of the book project that i'm working on for chrissie grace....and as it turns out, i was a little too quick in doing that. i really liked the first project, but.....hmmm....something just wasn't right about it. something was nagging at me....kinda like a mosquito in your room when you're trying to know it's there, but you just can't see it. but as i started cleaning up, the nagging got louder and i felt like my project was one of those big creepy portraits in a haunted house where the eyes follow you....begging you to look at it. then suddenly it hit me, and while i was dealing with the sick feeling in my stomach due to the mini-meltdown i felt coming on, i realized that it wasn't all of the technical issues that were bothering me (i.e. not enough contrast, etc.), it was the fact that it just wasn't a thousand percent "right"....i liked it, but i didn't love it (and i think that if something is going to appear in a book, i want to love it!).....quite simply, it wasn't ME. i wasn't trusting my instincts. somewhere along the path i had gotten bogged down in the details and lost sight of the big picture. i had finally found the "mosquito-in-the-room", but instead of sleeping, i stayed up until 2:00 in the morning creating a new project....and that was the best decision i'd made all week. i's crazy.....i'm crazy. and i'm hoping that you're all shaking your heads up and down because you've been there done that. i'm sorry for the confusion. this is my "real reveal".
this one feels "right". this one is me.