
Thursday, January 21, 2010

going backwards

i've decided that if i want to go forward with my artwork.....i'm going to have to backwards (huh?). i'm not really a "rule breaker" by nature, but i've noticed that when it comes to my artwork, i seem to be breaking the rules before i really even know what they are.
take drawing, for example. i took some instruction from a very talented local artist over a year ago. we started by drawing a matchbox.....and then shading it in. our only tool was a pencil. that was fun.....for the first lesson.
and my impatient side started urging me to skip over all of those "shading in the sphere" exercises.....i wanted to draw! why spend time stippling, blending and crosshatching when i was so eager to get to the "serious stuff"?
and now here i am today still trying to draw.....and wondering why they always look so flat and unsparkly when i'm finished. could it be that they need some stippling, blending and crosshatching?
so i'm going back to the drawing board, and this time i'm going to follow the rules so i can learn what they really are. and i figure that pam carriker's online class, shades of gray, is the perfect place to start.....bring on the stippling, blending and crosshatching!!

journal page finished using pitt brush tip markers in three shades of grey, pitt XS black artist pen, uniball signo white gel pen, pencil


  1. I think your art is perfectly sparkly and special, my dear!! :) but I do know what you mean about wanting to go back and take the steps to really learn certain skills and techniques. I've never taken an art class in my life, and while I've learned a lot on my own, the fact of the matter is that I lack much technical skill at all. But isn't that what is great about art?'s all about what you make of it :)

  2. Who said your drawings are not sparkly!!?? I love your art! But sometimes it is refreshing to get back to the basics :)

  3. I think it is a good thing when we can look back on past experiences and bring them present :). That is what learning is all about, application anywhere it is needed or where it applies. We can even pass thoes lessons on to others!

    We all love your art. As Sara says, it is what art is all about. There is no right or wrong, just creativity as it comes, as it develops, from whatever source or lesson :).

  4. Good point,glancing back for missed/forgotten tips is a great idea. Learning new things keeps it all fresh and exciting - good for you!

  5. Hi lori! I love that anyone can take an online course to begin a new year with new ideas and skills, don't you?! I love your drawing...always. Two steps back...twenty forward! Go for it!

  6. I think you'll find that if you draw a few minutes each day, in addition to your lessons, you'll have more regular (and faster!) progress.

    Go for it!

    Sparkle on, Sister ;)



  7. I love your art just the way it is! I do admire you though for going back to learn some of the "rules" to become a better artist. I skipped over all the rules and take classes when I can. There's so much I don't know!

  8. good for you for taking classes.
    it's good to learn new things and expand upon our existing knowledge.
    have fun!

  9. oh man, i'm the same exact way! hahaha.

  10. Lori,
    I always enjoy coming to your blog, you have such unique works of art I admire.
    I love all that you do..
    You shine, you sparkle..
    Do you know that?
    if not.. YOU DO!
    Hugs, Darlene xo

  11. Looks like someone's having fun with Pam Carriker! She's a great gal and it's a great class. You did a fantastic job and I'm sure you'll get an a-hhha moment if for no other reason than to see how far you've come.

  12. I love your art just as it is but I totally get what you are talking about. I look forward to seeing what you learn in Pam's class. I have thought of taking that one myself. Share lots of photos so we can see what you learn.

  13. your drawing doesn't look flat to me at all, but it's always great to learn more. Looking forward to see the effect of your newly acquired skills :)

  14. If only I had the time to take all of the wonderful classes offered online. It would be ever so blissful. Love the journal page. Made me think - circus. :)

  15. I LOVE your artwork and I think it sparkles just perfectly!!! xoxo Paulette ;)
