
Saturday, January 23, 2010

winter interrupted

we interrupt this regularly scheduled
winter moment to bring you
an absolutely stunning day!!
happy saturday to you!!!


  1. And Happy Saturday to you too. Love the picture of the beach!

  2. i'm jealous.
    although the sun is shining it is only 31 degrees here in PA.
    enjoy your glorious day!
    hugs, patty

  3. THANK YOU! Happiest of Saturdays to you, lori! ♥

  4. Yes, it is a lovely day today isn't it?? Have a good one! Loved your "Shades of Grey" journal page yesterday!

  5. Gorgeous pic ! I'm afraid we've had nothing but rain since the snow went, I'm almost pining for it again.... though I'd prefer a ff to summer !

  6. Hey sweet Lori! Thanks for the get well wishes you sent my way. Wish I were sitting on that beach soaking up some rays.
    Happy Saturday to you!

  7. Happy Saturday to you too!

    PS Love the new header!

  8. Hi Lori, hope you are having a good day. It's cold here and a bit breezy today - it looks like snow, but it is not cold enough. I sat outside on the front porch swing with a hot cup of coffee, just enjoying the morning. It lasted for about 10 minutes!! :)

  9. thank you, lori. i hope your saturday was a great one as well. the shot of the beach looks inviting. wish i could be there.

  10. Lori,
    There's something about sitting by the water, gazing and dreaming, trying to reconnect ~ finding peace and comfort...Love the beach
    Hope you are relaxing and enjoying your Saturday.

  11. I can smell the salt air now...
    I love the ocean and beaches, haven't seen one in real life for 20 years. Too long!!

  12. 2 great days in a row for us! I've had the boys outside for the last 2days to get some fresh air and sunshine. It's been great!

  13. Thank goodness.. It was so pretty here yesterday and now today is icky icky and chilly... I was just made for warm weather.. Wish I was there on that beach with those birds.. ha

  14. Oh, how I miss the beach. It's been too cold here for me to even attempt going. Thanks for sharing your spot of sunshine!

  15. We had a beautiful day here too, but not quite like yours! I hope you enjoyed the sunshine!

  16. On Saturday, the sun was out (a rarity) and it got above freezing (another rarity). It was lovely for a change. Hope your Sunday is good too.

  17. The beach looks wonderful! I'm envious! It 50 degrees with a little sunshine in Indiana this weekend - not too bad for January!

  18. Ah... a little sunshine makes everything feel better!! The birds are so cute and encourage me to get out and move....

  19. Hi Sweetie! What a pretty picture! I hope you had a great Saturday...You know how all the gulls usually sit facing the same direction? The first thing that hit me when I saw this photo was that one birdie doing his own thing! I bet he's having a happy Saturday too! ;D Hugs, Paulette :)

  20. What a beautiful photo : ) what a beautiful weekend.

  21. Oh, how beautiful!! I am hoping for a stunning day today! What storms we had last night, but I think we are expecting sunshine this afternoon. Wishing you a most magical Monday!! Hugs, Silke

  22. i am closing my eyes and pretending i am there!!! beautiful lori!! happy week to you! xox
