
Monday, January 4, 2010

inspiration monday

new year......
new ideas......
new goals......
new expectations....
new lessons learned.....
new(ly) cleaned work table
to complete the.....
new projects.....
inspired by the....
new year....
new ideas.....
new goals.....
new expectations....
new lessons learned....
and so on.....


  1. By the looks of your VERY organized studio, you've started off 2010 with plenty of zeal. This enthusiasm is contageous in that bright-spirited Lori kind of way.

  2. yes, contageous indeed. and since we are putting our condo for sale i have to put away many supplies. i look forward to seeing your creations this year.

  3. okay you've shamed me into it...I simply must clean up my work space this week!!!

  4. my goodness, what a glorious way to begin the begin. Hugs

  5. Oh I do so love a clean workspace! Looks great! Do I see some Micron pens just waiting to be used? Can't wait to get mine in the mail :)

  6. Im ready to see what you come up with this year!

  7. a blank sheet o'paper
    a wholly new year

  8. Oh look how clean and organized!! Eve when mine is picked up it looks disorganized!!! Too much stuff I think - or not enough storage space.
    Yeah, that's it!!!!! lol

  9. Love your studio, Lori! Thanks for being such a great bloggy buddy and I can't wait to see what you come up with this year! And congrats on the Etsy nomination!

  10. Looking clean and tidy ready for oddles of doodles and much more!!!!!! :)

  11. I'd love to have my work space that clean and organized.. Even after I work on cleaning it up it seems I stack something on it that I might "use" for a project.. Hence the many stacks. haha
    Best of Wishes as we travel our creative paths in 2010..

  12. Happy New Year! It looks like you are off to a great start!

    Looking forward to more wonderful doodles as we turn the page into 2010.

    Smiles, Catht

  13. Exactly! Everything in it's place and ready to dig in and create. Looking forward to seeing all your newly created doodleicious designs!

    Patricia xx

  14. Oh boy, your space looks SO inviting! Mine looks like a bomb went off, but I'm having a lot of fun in spite of it.

    What are your lessons learned? And your inspirations?



  15. I'm there with ya' Lori! Unfortunately, my cleaning is the garage lol! Yes, I know, no fun.

    I do plan to pick up on my crotcheting. I've started my son's blanket for his "queen size bed"! Yes, it will be a big one! One of those things you simply take your time, relax and never set a finish date lol!

    I will probably complete some smaller projects in between.

  16. Your desk is so wonderfully neat! I wish you could come help me organize my space! It's a disaster, but I just keep piling stuff on top and keep on going! I'm looking forward to seeing what you create in the new year!

  17. Your "fresh start" must feel so great. I'm in the midst of cleaning/organizing to hit the new year.... but I have to return to work tomorrow. Enjoy!!

  18. Are you sure that that is a working table? It looks more like a display in a furniture store ;) Our family is now ashamed of our working tables ;)

  19. I'm looking forward to another year full of inspiration from the happy place known as elvie studio!

  20. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us here in bloggyland in the year 2010!

  21. Oh, wow, look at that clean desk. I so admire it. I usually have organized chaos as I like to call it! Thanks for the chocolaty pictures too. I could almost taste them. Do you think that liking chocolate is an artist thing???

  22. Wow, you are so tidy! I am too ashamed to show my workspace/s.
    I take over the house and I am no good at housework!

    I look forward to seeing all the wonderful things that come out of your studio in 2010!

    Thanks for inspiring me!

  23. Oh Lori! That room is so wonderful...I swear, if it were mine, I'd NEVER come out! Can't wait to see all your new, adorable creations! Hugs, xoxo Paulette ;D
