
Monday, January 25, 2010

inspiration monday

as i sit here and listen to the pounding and banging due to the repairs that are going on in the house, i'm reminded of this cute little illustration by mary engelbreit......proving that humor and inspiration can be found in just about anything.
even shower floor tiles being ripped up.


  1. hang in there, that is sooooo sooo true, thanks for sharing. Sandi

  2. hey - that's me on the front cover!
    (just kidding!)
    it will all be worth it in the end - right?
    xo, patty :-)

  3. mary's art always makes me smile! there is such wisdom in her words...and her work invokes a playfulness I find endearing!

  4. What a good attitude you have. Having workman in our home(especially the noisy kind) makes me nuts. Gotta readjust my way of thinking when it comes to this. Thanks

  5. Our neighbour is going through the same thing, although the walls are so thin, it might aswell be us too! (^_^)

    Have you ever jumped at the sound of a hammer coming down on wood? even when you know it's coming? :o) Have you ever noticed the jumping stops when you're the one hammering?

    If you cant beat em, join em! =P

  6. I love that! I so need to have a copy of that hanging on the wall here at my desk. :)

    PS Got your email. Will reply as soon as I can. Hectic work day!


  7. Life is just so Daily...That is so perfect for these remodeling,, months. Thank you SO MUCH!!! I will use this as my mantra! heehee. Keep smiling! Your bathroom will be back and wonderful soon!

  8. That is funny and cute. I like the way she is holding the frame.

  9. Hang in there Sweetie Pie! Things will be all fixed up and perfect really soon, and then life can go on being so daily, without all that extra noise! I love ME! :D Kindred hugs, Paulette ;)

  10. I sure got a chuckle out of this!! It is so true... some things you just keep doing over and over and over.... like going to the grocery store today.... and paying bills...

  11. This cracks me up, Lori! You are so good natured. We've been remodeling our house slowly but surely over the last 3 years and I think I needed this! Good luck on all the repairs!! Hugs!

  12. hehe so true! we are having the same banging going on around here these days...but it will all be worth it in the end! :)

  13. fun to find you, woman, from the land of sunshine! (love that!). i enjoy mary e. too! & love your words, color & feel of them! bestbest to you!

  14. I used to just love the so so so much.. I nearly cried when here magazine was cancelled.. Was a fun surprise to see her today on your blog.. I knew you were a great gal... now I know for sure. haha
