not too long ago i started to hear a little whisper.....a little voice inside my creative soul that pops up from time to time to remind me that when you play, you also need to rest. i usually do a fairly good job of ignoring the whisper, mainly because i like to play, and well, i'm not so good at the "rest" part. but i have a rather persistent whisper.......and a rather impatient one, too.....because it's not whispering's more of a roar now, making it a lot harder to ignore.
so, i'm going to be a good listener and take some time to rest......of course, you know i won't be that good and i'll sneak in a little play when the whisper-roar isn't looking.......
but in the meantime, i'm counting on you to play while i'm gone.....
play lots of happy-art-play, sweet bloggy friends!!!
(i'll be back soon!)