
Thursday, April 26, 2012

smile big

there's something about thumbing through my walls notebook
and finding the "perfect page".......

that puts a great big smile on my face.

because the thought of being able to fill in all those
fabulously blank spaces definitely makes me happy!


{this artwork was done in my walls notebook using micron pens,
derwent watercolor pencils, white pan pastel, white uni posca marker,
white uniball signo pen, 2B and 6B graphite pencils}


  1. Lori, how do you come up with the perfect quotes for your pages? You're amazing!

  2. Lori! A smile does go a long way. I try to leave one with everyone I can! Another darling spread!!! Sending you smiles and hugs 'o choclate for a lovely weekend! xoox, Jeanette

  3. I tell you Lori that walls notebook will be like no other wall notebook...just beautiful. You will have to do a flip through when you complete it!


  4. Wonderful Lori! And I think I've seen those awesome glasses before!

  5. Oh I really needed this today! I think I might keep popping back to see this so I can keep smiling : )

  6. Wonderful! Great thought to keep in mind and I love your delightful smiling face!!

  7. lol, great pages today, hugs and smiles

  8. This is the perfect Sunny Smile for our very rainy dark dreary day. Thank you for this ray of sunshine to brighten my days. Sunny smiles to you Lori dear...

  9. Very inspiring... if anyone knows how to art on walls, IT'S YOU!!! :]
    Fantastic! ((hugs))

  10. This is so awesome and so timely for me today !! I always love your art ... this one just touched deeply today !!! Thank you !!!

  11. Your pages put a smile on my face too :o) I think that I'm going to have to start reading my dictionary to find some new words in praise of your work lol

    Have a great weekend
    Hugs, Margaret xx

  12. beautiful. your work always seems to pop off the page

  13. THAT is a great post!! I love the quote:)) I am so glad you are getting such good use of that book you purchased. Each page is better than the next! Wonderful stuff Lori:)

  14. Very nice! Your art is so cheerful! Love the quote, too! It's true!

  15. haha....oops the last comment was from me! Didnt mean to be "anonymous"

  16. Lori, I know I say it every time but your work is so beautiful!!

    I was wondering have you shared with us how you use your watercolor pencils? I have tried coloring and then adding water but it just doesn't come out as neat and resembles something a two year old would do.

    Great work!
