
Monday, August 20, 2012

inspiration monday

i think it's really important (really important!) to take 
a creative break every now and then.....
even when that means leaving your artist space blank for a short time.

because when you're ready to come back......  

inspiration will show you the way.
(along with some help from your heart)

(you probably knew i was going to say that, didn't you....)

and the best part is once you've returned.......

your artist space will be so much sunnier....... 

and a lot more colorful than it was before you left!

(*so good to be back!!*)

{artwork created in my walls notebook using pitt pens,
derwent inktense pencils, graphite pencils, and a white chalk pencil}


  1. It's so good to have you back Lori! I really missed your posts and inspiration! I'm glad you had such a nice break. Have a Happy Day!

  2. Oh so good to see you back, love the page, regenerating that mojo is so very important, hugs

  3. YAY! You are back! So good to see you! I've missed your art! Really, really great to have you back! :)

  4. Lori, it feels right to see this Monday morning post of yours!
    Missed it, and you!

    I still have not worked in my walls notebook, not sure if is fear of messing it up, or just waiting...


  5. Lori, Thanks for the dose 'o inspiration! So wonderful to have you back being your colorful, creative, inspiring self! Happy Monday! Wishing you a lovely summery week. xoox, Jeanette

  6. So good to have you back and fresh as the flowers in your pots!Thanks always for the inspiration.

  7. Yay. Nice to see you back Lori. This comes great on a Monday morning.

  8. now i were the one who inspired me to buy the Walls Notebook.

  9. ohh I missed your 'wall pages' so soooo muuuuuch!! i love them! :D

  10. yay for you having a break! yay for feeling more inspired and rested and all vacationed up! yay for us, your faithful bloggees, for we are the happy blossoms smiling in your shared artist space. welcome back, lady!

  11. Yes it is good to see you are posting again. But isn't it nice to take a break?
    Go thoughts for inspiration.
    Blessings, Sharon

  12. Now my Monday is bright and sunny thanks to your beautiful creative art. So good to have you back and recharged my dear...

  13. Love is great to have you back:)

  14. You are a sunny spot, for sure! I really like this happy spread you created, Lori. I still haven't filled my Walls book, but someday...someday.

  15. Welcome back! You were missed =)

  16. Love your inspiration brought a smile to my face! Thank you!

  17. Love inspiration Monday you put a big smile on my face!

  18. How I've missed your Inspiration Monday posts! Lovely to have you back and with such a superb page too. As ever, you take my breath away with your creativity

    Hugs, Margaret xx

  19. It's good to have you back, Lori!! I love your smiley flowers. How about giving us more watercolor chicks and other animals? Can you make kitties for me? I love reading your blog!

  20. I am so glad you're back. I missed my twice weekly fix of inspiration. I love this walls notebook and I bought one for me and one for my daughter and her Best friend. Looking forward to Thursday already. Glad you had a rest. So deserved. Jeanine

  21. Oh yay! Nice to see you back. I think the happiest bloggers are the ones who take a break -- everyone should get away from the computer and go live life. That's how we get inspired!

  22. So glad you are back :) Lovely drawing and sentiment, too! TFS!

  23. Missed seeing your Inspirational posts. So glad you got to have your personal time and glad you are back!

  24. Wonderful to have you back with your inspiration, art and posts....glad you had time to enjoy yourself....welcome back your "groupies"missed you!

  25. I love to see how your wall book is being transformed. So nice to have you back with us.

  26. I just LOVE this! I missed your posts, too. You inspire me to try to be more creative and I really need to try harder! I have that same walls book and never would have thought of what you just did... very insightful. You see things in those pages that no one else can. Glad you're back from your break. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with. :D

  27. OMG! OMG! OMG!!!...and another jumping up and down, OMG! You're back! I'm soooo happy. Blogland isn't the same without your adorable sunny posts! I love this, Lori. Sending a big welcome back hug to you. Yay!!! xo :oD

  28. i love this sketchbook you use!

  29. have you spiced up this wall! So good to see you back with new work :)

  30. So cool! Thanks for the inspiration!

  31. And so good to have you back. I love your drawings, so spontaneous and joyfilled -- just like you
