
Monday, November 19, 2012

inspiration monday

sending you a smile and many hugs
from my extremely grateful heart!

{thank you for your sweet inspiration through
 your lovely comments and bloggy visits!
i truly appreciate you!!}

{created in my walls notebook using pitt pens,  white charcoal pencil,
uniball signo white pen,  8B graphite pencil}


  1. I send you a smile, too!
    I love your page!

    Un abrazo desde Barcelona!

  2. Such a great way to start my week, thank you Lori!

  3. When I looked at your page for today, for some reason I just felt slightly warm. I like the way you incorporate building backgrounds with your own style of lettering. It kind of makes me me wonder, "Hmmmm, wonder how many artists look at the real world, a brick wall or the side of a building, and see a quote, some art, or something inspiring?" I like your pages because they make me feel like I can look at a wall, and see something beautiful in it. ^_~ Thanks for being an inspiration. Pearllight Studio

  4. every single week, twice a week, i am reminded of my gratitude for you and your talent, inspiration, vision and generosity. much love to you, someone i have never met and yet who has given me so much.

  5. It's always great to discover the wonderful pages you show us each week. This book is a little gem. Kisses.

  6. Always love your inspiration, I think I need the white pencil :)...thanks for visiting my little blog

  7. oh so true - thanks for the timely reminder. i love this page and am always amazed by the shadow-y look of your letters.

  8. Your pages are like a ray of sunshine on a really dreary day.

  9. love the graffiti of your heart! xox

  10. I love Zig Ziglar!!
    He would love this blog too!

  11. I love the white shadows on these letters!

  12. This is very timely and fitting as we approach Thanksgiving and being grateful for all that we have. You are wonderful my dear. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art. Blessings...

  13. Another gorgeous wall :o)

    Margaret xx
