hello, spring.....
i'm SO looking forward to
flowers, flowers, and more flowers,
the grass turning from brown to green,
watching baseball games,
welcoming the flocks of birds back home,
no more winter coat,
firing up the bbq,
sitting on the back porch with a glass of lemonade,
starting an herb garden....
what are you looking forward to this spring?
me too! me too! So ready. Our weather forcast is for snow today! OMG..... What the world?
Love your doodle. Still inspiring me.
Love your little painting, they're sooo clean. Not messy like mine :)
Ohhh, that list.. can't wait for spring to come.
also looking forward to formula one races, early morning, with a double nespresso, for sure....
Oh Lori,
I just love your pretty drawing. Those flowers have personality!
I'm looking forward to the blooming trees in our neighborhood. The beautiful color and fragrance combined is really out of this world.
I am also delighted to see the sunsets occur later and later into the evening!
Thank you for your sweet comments about my daughter! I know you just recently had a special time with your own! :-)
Hugs for you,
Crystal :-)
oh we have indeed missed spring! so glad she has decided to grace us with her presence once again!
i am looking forward to walking the dog without being bundled up...part of our summer walk is a bit of time at the beach...she loves to get cooled off....i love spring...
flowers - YES!! YES!! and sunshine, daylight, outside gathering time with friends and family, bike rides, picnics, trips to the beach, fresh fruit and vegetables from the backyard, trips to the farmer's market, evenings with light!
Spring, yes, we're soooo ready! I just want sun and open windows :)
the first signs of crocuses and daffodils poking through the ground...no snow...buds on the trees...freshness in the air...
I am enjoying your Spring drawing. I love the bright sunshine, lime green grass and yellow daffodils. That is Spring to me. Happy creating...
Me too to all the above ~ and ~ opening the windows letting the breeze flow through the rooms ~ SUNSHINE ~ and yes even the rain
yea for spring!
I am looking forward to starting my first veggie garden with my husband.
and...I am looking forward to getting caught up on my favorite blogs after having my computer crash!
did i shout too loud? i'm sorry! LOL
i look forward to the flowers :-)
I was told today that we are going to skip Spring and go directly to summer. The way it has been we will just have two seasons instead of four. We had snow today. I would love to see the flowers and green grass and trees with leaves. Take care.
i just want to put all my sweaters and jackets away. this is turning out to be a long winter. i am mainly looking forward to spending more time out and about.
Your flowers are so colorful. We have had a little taste of spring and started to bbq and spend time on our patio and at the park. It still is very chilly at night, though.
What lovely flowers - and those words are so true.
Flowers. The beach {without the winter wind}. Tanktops, bathing suits, THE TODDLER POOL!
I am looking forward to spring as well, and one of the things I love about Florida is that the winter grass seems more golden than brown. And we get Autumn leaves as spring approaches! Ahh, my beautiful state.
wishing you a
bouquet of dreamy days ahead..
your sweet flowers cheer me up!
It looks like you've been struck with Spring fever. I love how your most recent artwork reflects your enthusiasm for the gifts of this season. Happy Sweet Spring!
definitely, NO RAIN. Love your flower doodles. Hugs
While we here have had a very mild winter with very little snow, I do like the changing seasons. I am now eagerly watching the buds on the trees and waiting for my first robin spotting. I feel that it's not quite spring until I see a robin.
Your little painting is so pretty. I wish it were hanging in my kitchen.
Great card!
I definitely would like to start my garden again. In fact, I've been putting my table scraps in the garden area. I did harvest some green onions and there's something growing now that I'm not quite sure what it is! lol!
I want the day care kids to plan some veggies as well. I will put their name tags with their plants so they can take care of them.
Oh, I love that drawing! I'm looking forward to seeing more pretty flowers in my front garden! They're the best part of spring for me! xoxo Paulette ;)
LOVE this.
That is the cutest illustration! I am totally ready for spring...just wondering where it is...getting rainy here in Italy for me!
I love this! So so beautiful!
But I live on the other side of the world to you and it's getting colder ...
You are very creative!
having coffee on the back patio, early morning walks, watching the puppies romp in the back year. oh, and i've been thinking of planting some herbs as well!
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