Wednesday, February 9, 2011

i love 'em all

i always have a hard time choosing which one of my favorite supplies to use when i'm working in my journal.......
so here's a page using them all!!  woo hoo!!
(i also snuck in some yellow pan pastel around the edges.....)


Doda said...

At first glance, I read "I love email" and wondered what on earth that had to do with it!!!! I need to put my reading glasses on don't I? Yes, it's hard to choose your favourite thing to draw with. It's like trying to choose a favourite flower - as you look at each different type it can be your favourite of the moment!
I love your use of colour!

Tara said...

If my creations would look anything like yours I would have a hard time choosing too! Such talent. You need to write a how-to book on doodles with all your favorites. It would be a best seller!

Martha Lever said...

HEE HEE---love this page and I say a big---ME TOO!!!!

Mary said...

ohhh me too, me too!! :)

Dymphie said...

love how you use 'em all :)

Unknown said...

I agree with Tara about writing your own book!!!

Eden said...!!! And who says we can't have more than one favorite anyway??? Love your use of color on that gorgeous script :D :D

Becky Shander said...

Your rainbow colored supplies come together beautifully, like it's been kissed by sweet sunshine.

Marie aka Grams said...

We all them them all, too, especially expressed through you.

Marie aka Grams said...

oops, pull that last comment.
It was supposed to say "We all love them too." hee hee silly me.

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I think your art tools must secretly whisper when you walk into your studio. They say, "Pick me!" This is so bright & you, lori!

LR said...

your creative energy certainly shines through in this page.

Unknown said...

I truly love just amaze me with all that you do.

Claire M said...

Nice and cheery. You are super talented with all of these!!

K said...

It looks like they know it - they obey you so well!

Kathy McCreedy said...

Hi! This is just darling! Thank you for all your VERY kind comments on my blog! I will be back in the world of active blogging in approximately two weeks (long story, stay tuned!) and will definitely be in touch... your work is truly inspiring to me! Take care and thank you again,

Cathy Bueti said...

Love this! so colorful and bright! You inspire me to get out some markers! :)

Beedeebabee said...

...and we love when you use them all too, Lori, and you do it so happy all the time, and I just love that... and this too!
...and YES, you should write a book! YES! YES! YES! xoxo Paulette :D

Sara said...

Why pick one when you can use em all?! :) Hope you're doing well, and eating lots of chocolate, sweet Lori :)

Butterfly Works said...

A Girl after my all the supplies....
Great page....

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