Wednesday, July 6, 2011

it's a long road

success is one of those tricky words.......everyone has their own interpretation of it.  what is success to one person might not even be on the barometer for another person.  someone might find giving up chocolate for a week a huge success.......whereas i would find giving up chocolate just for breakfast quite a milestone......


 let's face it........whatever you're going for, it's not always easy.  

which is what makes it SO worth it once you've made it down that long road!
keep on keepin' on!!

{journal page supplies:  koi watercolor, derwent inktense watercolor pencils, 
micron pens, 4B graphite pencil, pan pastel}


Heather said...

thank you for this post....i needed it more than ever today!

Unknown said...

Lori...I love your work...and your messages are so inspiring to me. Thanks again for such a wonderful post.

JGG said...

Today, Providence led me to your inspiring post - Thanks!

Martina said...

Love that page Lori! Yay for success - yes girl, o for it! xox

Jeanette said...

Love this piece and think - thank goodness for exit ramps and rest stops along the way! Thanks for sharing.

Shelley Malone said...

I LOVE how much you love chocolate. Also, your lettering blows me away, every, single, time. xoxo!

Andria said...

Love, love, love your lettering!

Unknown said...

I ADORE this!!

Tara said...

ALL worth it!!!


Dawn said...

i could look at your handiwork all day long! did you see in the new Art Journaling magazine, that an entire article is focused on YOUR work?! I forget the artist (and am too lazy to look), but she was so inspired by you and your work that she started creating. Check it out!

LuckyDog said...

I just love your encouraging spirit! And the artwork is *wonderful*, as always! XOXO

Claire M said...

Super fantastic! and as others said ... "love you lettering"!!! Will you teach us someday????

Jennifer DeDonato said...

This is wonderful Lori. I totally have a chalk blending thingy just like yours. They are the BEST! I am sold and will never use anything else. Great minds love alike!!

Vickie said...

Love the inspiring message and your beautiful artwork.

Becky Shander said...

Yes, I'm with you regarding your take on success. And it's all about the journey right? Here's to skipping along the way!

Jane Farr said...

Love your lettering Lori. Your highlights and shading make it POP. (Also like your groovy-little-handled-sponge-thingy!)

rachel awes said...

so true, dear one!

young-eclectic-encounters said...

great post and artwork- so glad to have found your blog- I found you through Draw doodle and Decotate
Johnina :^A

Patty S said...

i love this thought. and your little sign posts are soooo cute! xo

Lana Manis said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Lori!
I needed it this week in more than one facet of my life. :)

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