i love watching a journal page come to life.
it doesn't look like too much when you begin.....
it doesn't look like too much when you begin.....
but add a little micron pen,
along with lots of burnt umber, payne's grey, and yellow ochre watercolor
(and some more micron, because you can never really have too much micron),
and before you know it, you've got a finished journal page that's filled with yummy
assorted hardware......pottery-barn-style!
{this two-page spread in my pottery barn journal
was created using koi watercolors, waterbrush, micron pen, graphite pencils}
You must get tired of hearing this, but I am just in awe of your talent! Everything looks so dimensional, not to mention lovely! I am trying to gather some better watercolor supplies and pens so I can start playing and learning more. I have a few PITT pens and only one Micron so next time I go out of town (I live about an hour from a city with art shops) I am going to stock up on supplies. :)
Ooooh I really like this, each drawer with different handles and knobs... I'm wondering what goodies you would put inside...
You've handled the subject very well. You know how to pull in the viewer!
I see that you mention Koi watercolor a lot. Are you using the pans? My first watercolors (besides child sets when I was younger) was a 24-pan Koi set. I have used it and used it and used it. Since then I've bought 'professional' watercolors, but I find I still prefer pulling out the Koi set. Do you find them to be very lightfast? That's what concerns me...the lightfastness. Frankly, I would prefer to use them over everything else! I love the color intensity.
That is SO neat, it really is, to watch a page "come to life" right in front of me! Which finish d you like best? I love how you have found something so magical in something almost all of us receive- a catalog!
Wow. Just wow. You can make something as mundane as knobs and pulls into beautiful art..well, wow.
amazing! i love the look of hardware. checking out all the selections at restoration hardware is so fun. you journal pages always inspire me!
Lori, I've been away for two weeks, and have come back to your inspiration EXPLOSION. Look how much you've done! So wonderful. And 608 followers is none too shabby. Great work.
it's so easy to keep track of the stages of our art with this digital camera age that we live in! isn't it!
I love taking pictures of the stages...because once your drawing takes that next step, ya can't go back! and sometimes the progress is more fun that looking at a finished piece....in my case!
in your case...both the stages and the final are delicious! and I've been loving your pottery barn themed journal!
ciao bella
Creative CArmelinA
Your journal hardware page is so realistic that I could actually shop right here and now. I already have my favorite hardware selected. This is such an awesome catalog journal you are creating...
Love this! You have inspired me to actually put something on my blank pages in the numerous blank journals on my shelf! :)
mmmm, i love microns, too!!! Yes, this is just charming! I love paynes gray, too! :)
Whatever you work or paint, it's always unique and fabulous. Thanks for sharing your endless creavity and talent!
Hugs Anja
i love seeing how your page comes together. i will admit that i've often drooled over...err... looked at your pages and wondered whether you just pull out your pens, wave them over your page and have all that artistic goodness just magically appear... it looks so effortless!
I love the uniqueness of your pages and the fact they all look so perfect :o)
ps I got my watercolour pads out today........... and moved them to another shelf lol!!
Lori, Honestly, each Inspiration post is more beautiful and creative. I'd love to be perched over your shoulder and watch the magic come to life. You are amazing!! I just love this smaller journal format, yet packed with such luscious watercolors and fabulous letters - you'd never know it! XO. Jeanette
Only you could think of doing a journal page about hardware...and only you could do it so beautifully! Your drawings are just something else, Lori! What a great print this would make for a special spot in a kitchen or study...or dinning room...or anywhere for that matter! :)
xoxo Paulette
Amazing Lori!! I could use some fun hardware like those :D
This is just adorable. Thanks for a look at your process.
Gorgeous! Creating your own catalog of beautiful things is such a great idea. What a treat to see your work in stages too!
Aw! reminds me when I was going to the Canadian Tire with my dad! (sort of Home depot of Home hardware). My favorite section of the store was the ones with all the lamps!
very pretty! :-)
this is so wonderful.Wondering........ is there anything you CANT DO?.. lol
Lori, I had to look at knobs for a renovation we are having done, and I am so impressed to see how you turned that task into a great work of art. That never would have occurred to me to do! Fantastic!
Very pretty! ♥
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