
Monday, April 30, 2012

inspiration monday

here's another fun way to create a "faux watercolor",  
without having to get out your watercolors!  
all you need are some water-soluble markers,  a paintbrush, 
a mini mister, a pencil, a piece of watercolor paper, and your 
favorite solid stamp (i'm using a hand-carved circle stamp).

using your markers, scribble some color onto your watercolor paper.  
try to keep your colored area a little smaller than the size of your stamp.

now spray a light mist of water onto the surface of your stamp
{the more water you spray, the less vibrant your image will be}......

and press it onto the colored area of your paper.

the water will activate the pigment of your water-soluble markers 
and create a really cool looking watercolor image!

now you can add some details, if you like......

and you can also add to your design by using some different colors......
 just activate the pigment using a damp brush
{a waterbrush is perfect for this!}.

when you're finished putting all your favorite touches on it,
you've got a sweet little watercolor bliss.....
without the watercolor!

{supplies:  strathmore 140lb. watercolor paper, 4B graphite pencil,
tombow markers #856, #933, & #158,  mini mister, water brush,
hand-carved circle stamp using speedy carve,  pink pilot hi-tec-c pen

Thursday, April 26, 2012

smile big

there's something about thumbing through my walls notebook
and finding the "perfect page".......

that puts a great big smile on my face.

because the thought of being able to fill in all those
fabulously blank spaces definitely makes me happy!


{this artwork was done in my walls notebook using micron pens,
derwent watercolor pencils, white pan pastel, white uni posca marker,
white uniball signo pen, 2B and 6B graphite pencils}

Monday, April 23, 2012

inspiration monday

 sometimes inspiration is as close as finding your favorite stripey-roofed house
and little heart hand-carved stamps in your craft drawer.  but what do you do when
you discover that your favorite yellow stamp pad has completely dried out?
with just a few supplies, you can create your own custom "ink pad"'s how:

place a small piece of craft felt onto a protective surface (i'm using a plastic paint palette, 
but you can put your felt onto a piece of waxed paper, freezer paper, plastic mat, etc.).  
now, using a craft knife, scrape the side of a stick of chalk pastel onto your piece of felt 
until you have a nice little pile. 

with an inexpensive paintbrush,  add a nice dollop of fluid matte medium into 
your pastel can also add a drop of water to help mix it together.

once you have your new "stamp pad" made, it's time to get on with the stamping! 
if there's a portion of your stamp that you want to block out,  just place
a piece of tape over the area that you want to mask......

then, just press your stamp onto your colored felt......

and then carefully remove the tape from your inked stamp.

now just press your inked stamp onto your paper.

(important:  since the matte medium is acrylic, make sure to clean your
stamp right don't want it to dry on your stamp!)

you can mix all kinds of custom colors, and add other stamped images to 
your paper.......

and by the time you add some lettering and all your favorite little details,
you have a fun journal page that was actually inspired by
your favorite stamps and a dried-out stamp pad!

p.s.  and since the matte medium is 100% acrylic, it makes the chalk pastel
permanent, so there's no smudging!  woo hoo!

{this was created in my strathmore visual art journal using hand-carved stamps,
craft felt, chalk pastels, craft knife, paint palette, fluid matte medium
micron pens, 2B graphite pencil, watercolor pencils, waterbrush}

Thursday, April 19, 2012

weekend moments

whether you pamper yourself in a spa-kind-of-way.......

or you decide on something completely unexpected,
i hope you have a fabulous weekend that's filled with all kinds of
"that's-exactly-what-i-want-to-do" moments!

{photos taken while window shopping 
in downtown asheville, north carolina}

Monday, April 16, 2012

inspiration monday

when you have a few minutes to sit down and be creative,
do you find you always grab those same scrumptious art supplies that
make you really happy?

do you reach for that certain something because
of all the little details that are so well-thought-out.......

or because of all of those colorful choices that are waiting to be made?

or how about those yummy accessories that make
our creative lives so much easier?

or maybe we reach for our little art friends because
they offer us a big dose of fabulous inspiration each and every time......

{another page created in my elvie catalog using koi watercolors,
pitt pens, waterbrush, 4B graphite pencil}

Thursday, April 12, 2012

dilemma and solution

i found myself in a bit of a bind because my waterbrush,
that was fully loaded with permanent-yellow-deep watercolor, was accidentally dropped. 
and on it's way down towards my nice clean journal page,  it took 
a nose-dive and did two full somersaults......

{and after a few choice words, i tried to remember that
"put on a happy face" song we used to sing in school.}

big yellow accidental splotches always make good sunshines!

happy weekend to you!

{supplies:  pocket watercolor moleskine, koi watercolor,
acrobatic waterbrush, pitt pens, 4B pencil}

Monday, April 9, 2012

inspiration monday

i know it's really none of my business.....

but when i saw this picture in my walls notebook,
 i started to wonder what he could be so deep in thought about
(mainly because i'm a little nosey at times...).

as it turns out,  he was channeling one of the great masters......

of nonsense, silliness, and pure inspiration!
here's to you, dr. seuss!

you can watch an excerpt of dr. seuss' "green eggs and ham" here!

{this journal page was completed in my walls notebook using pitt pens,
derwent inktense w/c pencils, 4B pencil, white charcoal pencil, white pan pastel}

Thursday, April 5, 2012

three important things

important thing number one:

if you've been wanting to learn more about watercolor, but didn't know where to start, check out a new class called "pear-ology"!  it's being offered by my dear sweet friend and art buddy martha lever,  and she will share all her secrets of painting a great pear!   you'll learn tons of wonderful watercolor and background tips along the way to becoming a bonafide pear-ologist!  the doors to this fun class are now open over at creative workshops, and you can find more information about it here!  

important thing number two:

you have left me absolutely speechless with your overwhelming response to my giveaway.....
thank you, thank you, thank you!!
the random integer has chosen number ninety-seven, and that means that the blank watercolor journal will be on it's way to sharon over at "my art journal"!
and for all of you bloggy sweeties, i'm sending a huge hug the size of texas to you
right now!  i appreciate your love, support and kindness more than i could ever express!  xox

super-important thing number three:

i hope your Easter weekend is filled with
abundant blessings and promises for a beautiful springtime!
happy Easter!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

inspiration monday giveaway!

as much as i love to create in a blank journal,
i also really love to create the blank journal itself!
and i've especially loved creating this particular journal, because it's for a
reason that's very close to my heart.

because with each poke of the needle into the paper.....

and each stitch made with the waxed linen thread....

i was thinking about how much i appreciate each and every one of you bloggy sweeties!
and even though i don't say it nearly often enough, please know that all of you beautiful little rays of sunshine who so lovingly stop by here from time to time to leave a sweet smile, words of encouragement, and inspiration galore, are cherished more than i could ever say!  

so please leave just one comment on this post to enter my giveaway,
because i would love for you to have this blank watercolor journal!
and even though it's a very small token of my gratitude,
the thought comes from the top, middle, and bottom of my thankful heart
(and everywhere else in between!!).

thank you, little bloggy sweetheart!!  
i think you're awesome!!

{to enter this giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment here on this post 
(just one per person, please!) by 10:00 p.m. EST on wednesday, april 4th. 
a name will be chosen using the random integer
and i'll announce it on thursday, april 5th. 
please make sure that your comment either links back to 
your blog, or you leave your e-mail so i can contact you if your name is chosen!
(this giveaway is open to all bloggy sweeties who are 18 years of age or older.)}

{this blank journal was created using davey board, arches text wove paper for the covers, PVA glue, strathmore 140 lb. CP watercolor paper, waxed linen thread, metal eyelets}

edited:  comments are now closed......thank you for participating!!