Monday, April 16, 2012

inspiration monday

when you have a few minutes to sit down and be creative,
do you find you always grab those same scrumptious art supplies that
make you really happy?

do you reach for that certain something because
of all the little details that are so well-thought-out.......

or because of all of those colorful choices that are waiting to be made?

or how about those yummy accessories that make
our creative lives so much easier?

or maybe we reach for our little art friends because
they offer us a big dose of fabulous inspiration each and every time......

{another page created in my elvie catalog using koi watercolors,
pitt pens, waterbrush, 4B graphite pencil}


Jeanette said...

Lori, Another fabulous spread of creative inspiration! Gotta love the Koi watercolors, the vibrancy and depth of the colors are wonderful. Wishing you a week overflowing with creativity & chocolate too! Hugs, Jeanette

Sherri B. said...

What a wonderful piece of art! I love your work...I have this exact Koi watercolor set. It's one of my favorite things. Have a lovely Monday~~

france papillon said...

Thanks for reminding me that i have a box of those yummies... Totally forgot about them and the way you put them in scene makes me want to grab them and get creative!

Julie S said...

I especially like the last one. ;)

flo said...

Wow wonderfull.

Cynthia Schelzig said...

What wonderful color!!! Love the whole post!!

Eden said...

These are inspiration pieces in themselves, your art of your art supplies!! Love them! said...

Very inspiring...
running off to get watercolors and paper. :]
Thank you, have a wonderful Monday!

Charmingdesigns said...


rachel awes said...

YUM! i might even mistake it for REAL + dip my brush into your paper! xox

Unknown said...

I bought one of these a few weeks ago & I really enjoy how much of an easy grab it is.

wv said...

koi koi
hoi polloi said...


Createology said...

Your art always gives me a smile and a creative boost. Thank you dear...Blissful week ahead.

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I am intrigued and want to buy these art supplies and play, play, play. Wish they came with a guarantee that it would work for me and be as easy as you always make it look, lori!!!

Primitives By The Light of The Moon said...

:) Love it all!

Katie said...

I carry mine with me at all times, along with a watercolor sketchbook. Love it!

Rebecca Trump said...

I absolutely LOVE this, Lori :) Because of your recommendation, I bought both the Koi's and the water brush and have LOVED them ever since!!! Thank you for sharing :)

Sandi said...

I definitely do have my favs, your rendition is stunning. hugs

Fatima B said...

my husband bought this for me for my birthday :) nd i love it!!! <3
u painted it so beautiful :)

have a wonderful dear <3

Linda said...

You can make the most simple things so beautiful. I love your elvie studio journal! I took your letter lab class and have been practicing my lettering. Now, I'd love to take a class where you show us how you layout your journal pages (hint, hint).

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