Thursday, June 14, 2012

timeless details

{stonework detail at biltmore house} 

one of my new favorite places to visit is the biltmore estate, located in asheville, north carolina!  the grounds and landscaping are breathtaking, the house is stunningly beautiful, and the history behind this extraordinary property almost reads like a fairy tale.  it took an army of laborers and craftsmen back in the late 1800's to complete the construction of what is now known as "America's largest home",  and with all it's grandeur, i found such beauty in the details of the immense stonework that adorns the outside of the house.  as an artist, i can only imagine the sense of pride those stone masons must have felt as each project was complete.......and as artists (and over 100 years later), i think we all continue to have this same sense of delight in common with each other, no matter what our finished project is!

happy weekend to you!

{this artwork was created in my mini strathmore journal for mixed media using
pitt pens, black tombow marker, waterbrush, 4B graphite pencil}


Jeanette said...

Lori, Love your bitty creation. I can't believe you packed in that much creativity into the small journal! Beautiful in the details. Love the neutral colors. Have fabulous weekend! Filled with chocolate, of course! xoox, Jeanette

Isabel said...

I agree with Jeanette how you pack such creativity into a small journal!! Awesome:O)

Molly said...

this is one of the first places I visited when I moved to NC years ago and was blown away not only by the immensity and the beautiful artistry of the place, but also by how far ahead of their time they were from an engineering standpoint. if you haven't been there at christmas, put that on your bucket list. it's breathtaking!

you have a true artist's eye, to focus in on one piece in the midst of all that's there and capture it so simply and perfectly.

thanks for sharing.

Createology said...

I agree completely with you on the pride of craftsmen in days of yore. I have not ever been to Biltmore Estate but understand it is truly amazing. Your sketch is amazing dear. Happy weekend...

Jessie May said...

Such perfect detail! I'm going to visit the website for Biltmore, I'm intrigued now. Oh, do you know La Famille blog? Alicia lives in Asheville. Take a look:
Hope you have a creative and chocolatey weekend Lori :)

A'n'G Johnson said...

oooooh I love that you are taking inspiration from architectural details

ellie said...

have you been there at christmas yet?

Colleen said...

Love the Bilmore Estate! As many have mentioned, Christmas at the Biltmore is great! But the spring, when the flowers and trees are in bloom is pretty fantastic too! It is so amazing to walk through the home and think that a family lived there once. Such a work of art!

Jennifer M. said...

Cool drawing! Love the details.

Anonymous said...

Lori, if you haven't already read it you may be interested in a book of fiction based on the mansion. It is called A World Elsewhere by Wayne Johnston. Merri

Beedeebabee said...

Love your drawing, Lori. I've never been to Biltmore, but one of these days I hope to get there. I know it's amazing! xo Paulette :)

Dymphie said...

so different and so wonderful, love your drawing.

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