Monday, August 27, 2012

inspiration monday

let's make an artsy name-tag!  
here's all you'll need:
 heavy watercolor paper, waterproof marker pens,  pencils,  a hole punch, 
and watercolors, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, or acrylic paints.

first, draw your name with a pencil using "bubble letters".

now draw an outline around your name, and
then another outline around the entire thing.
(i used a curvy-cloud-style shape)

add some color.......
(i've used watercolor pencils)

and trace over your pencil lines using a waterproof marker.

don't forget to add some of your favorite details and a little shading!

cut out your shape, leaving a slight border around the edge of the 
artwork,  then punch a hole at the top using a paper punch.

now run a thread through your punched hole, and
attach your artsy name-tag to something special!
have fun!

my new art storage box is by more here!
you can watch a video on making "bubble letters" here!

{supplies used:  140 lb. watercolor paper,  graphite pencils,  waterbrush, 
pitt pens,  derwent watercolor pencils,  scissors,  cotton embroidery thread}


Beedeebabee said...

Your tag is so, so cute, and I love all your special little touches! Makes me want to sweep all this felt off my table and start searching around for some paper, pencils and watercolors... only my letters would never look like yours!!! xo :)

Jeanette said...

Lori, How adorable is that??? Too cute. Your lettering is impeccable! I'd better find a long box to fit my name ;). The bubble letters are so fun! Happy Monday. Have a fabulous week.
xoox, Jeanette

Sandi said...

oh how I have missed these posts, that is the cutest tag, welcome back, hugs

Martha Lever said...

Love it, Lori!! Cute factor is a 10!!! As well as talent factor, creativity factor, sweetness factor, yumminess factor...I could go on and on...

Sandi McLean said...

Cute! A sweet idea for labeling anything.

Unknown said...

YAY! so good to see this back :) I've been playing with my water pen this weekend. I'm a bit obsessed ;)

Julie S said...

That is so cute. Lovely name tag and the little happy face on the dot is quite the cheery touch.

Alisa said...

Love it!

fran pascazio said...


Michellem said...

Your artsy name tag is amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

I love this Lori! So cute and fun! TFS

Alice said...

i love this - gotta try it!

Unknown said...

Love this! Did not knew that watercolor pencil even exist, love the effect.

Margaret said...

Cute tag, Lori' I'm with Jeanette on this one lol Would need a big box!

Margaret xx

Unknown said...

fun! I'm your newest follower -- hope you'll stop by sometime!

Teresa aka Tess said...

Your shading is so perfect the mame tag almost looks 3d. Love it!

Natasha said...

Can you explain more about how you did the shading part of this? Would love to try one myself.

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