Thursday, October 4, 2012

thursday thoughts







just a few of my favorite pinterest ponderings.....
and a sweet little batman! 


Hadiyah said...

I love love love this post! Such wonderful quotes which lit up my face with a huge grin while reading these quotes. You are awesome for sharing these, this post pumped up some creativity in me and inspired me deeply.
Thank you alot for sharing.


Createology said...

This is pure joy to begin my day on a bright smiling note. Thank you dear. Falling into Autumn Bliss...

Beedeebabee said...

Hey Lori! I love them all, but I think my favorite is the one from Audrey Hepurn. A good laugh always makes me feel better no matter what. Even a little giggle usually does the trick. How cute is that mini Batman? :D xoxo

Unknown said...

Yes Batman for sure or Catwoman she is so stylish.

ellie said...

like word hugs...needed this today. thanks, lori! hope the light you sent out boomerangs right back to you!

Jessie May said...

Love the Batman picture. Have forwarded to my daughter who used to curl up on the sofa with her Daddy to watch Batman on a Tuesday teatime. Hope you're well Lori x

Sandi said...

love love the batman one, they are made me smile, thanks, you always know how to cheer blog land up, hugs

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Great advice for the little batman at the end...I prefer to run around as Cat Woman though.......have a good weekend.
Looking forward to your next class...can´t wait!

DANIELLE said...

I just found your blog through pinterest (of course) and have stayed here a bit longer than I should (considering I have a snoring husband and a snoring dog next to me... bedtime, maybe?). At any rate, I'm very happy to have found you! Thank you for sharing your very happy art!

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Lori! I just loved every single one! Most of all the Batman one. Thanks for making me smile extra big with your inspiring images. :)

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