Monday, November 4, 2013

inspiration monday

while i was spending the day with my little bird friends in new york last saturday,
 my family went out into the city for some exploration, and ended up walking across the brooklyn bridge.  out of all the photos my little dutch sweetie took that day, this is one of my favorites.....and i couldn't wait to hear what these padlocks are all about!

as the story goes,  true-loves personalize a padlock with their names and date, and then lock it onto the railing of the bridge.

then, the key to the lock is thrown over the railing into the river,
symbolizing that the bond and commitment between the true-loves is everlasting.

i'm a hopeless romantic, and this story tugs at my heartstrings big time....

  but while i was at the workshop, my mr. romantic was creating a story of his own,
because when he picked me up later that day, he very sweetly presented me with a gift wrapped copy of the new somerset studio magazine, and said "page 22!"

and there, on the pages of a publication that's brought me so much inspiration for so many years, is the story of my "ocean of truth" paste paper booklet.....and i must admit that every time i think about it, i have to pinch myself to make sure it's real!  thank you SO much to the staff at somerset for an absolutely beautiful article!

but most of all......thank you to my little dutch sweetie, a.k.a. mr. romantic, for all the wonderful things you do that tug at my heartstrings.  YOU are my inspiration monday-and-every-other-day-of-the-week, and you will always hold the key to my heart!
love is forever.....xox

{journal page supplies: moleskine journal, koi watercolor, derwent inktense pencils, pitt pens, white uniball signo gel pen, 2B and 6B graphite pencil}

{there are thousands of love locks attached to the brooklyn bridge.....
to see more images, click here!}


Claudine said...

This is an awesome page, love that lock. Also congrats on being published, how exciting!!

luluvision said...

Being a Native New Yorker AND a lover of the Brooklyn Bridge AND a hopeless romantic, I can't believe I didn't know about the love locks!! I love these pages, as I do every creation of yours! I was very sad that I couldn't make your workshop at Michele's! Congratulations on being in Somerset!!

Sandi Keene said...

Congratulations on the article! How exciting!

ellie said...

congrats and beyond that...speechless with joy for you!

Michele said...

And thanks to your Dutch Sweetie's amazing generosity, I also received a copy of the same magazine which you so graciously signed! Thanks again for a lovely day :) xoxo Michele

Createology said...

Congratulations on your publication in Somerset. Heartfelt hugs for your love and bond with Mr. Romantic...priceless in this journey we call life. Padlocks of Love are also in Italy several places we traveled. Cinque Terre Lover's Walk and Ponte Vecchio Bridge in Florence are two places I have seen. Very fun tradition. Joyful Week Dear...

Donna said...

I love your lettering Lori! Thank you for the padlock info. That is very cool!

I just purchased the Somerset Studio magazine but haven't had time to open it yet. Congrats on your article! I look forward to reading it.

Have a glorious day!

Margaret said...

Woohoo! Well done on being published, it's a fab feeling, isn't it?

Love the tale of the padlocks and you captured the essence of it beautifully

Hugs, Margaret xx

Katia said...

I love this inspiration!

angela said...

I didn't know about the locks in NY. Thanks for sharing. I love stuff like that! I LOVE love stories too! Maybe one day you will share how you found your Dutch sweetie aka Mr. Romantic ;) oh, I just bought that magazine a few days ago. Congratulations!

Martha Lever said...

WOW!!! I'm going to have to get my copy autographed by the most famous and fabulous Lori!!!!! Congratulations!

Claire M said...

Wow.... your love, your energy and your creativity are all so super special! <3

Christine E-E said...

oh! congrats on appearing in one of my favorite magazines.
Love this romantic idea!

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