
Thursday, January 30, 2014

pleasant spring

over the past several weeks, i've seen lots of gray days…..

i've watched first snowfalls…..

and i've heard the crunch of it beneath my feet.

and as a girl from florida, i'm certainly not an expert on winter...
but i think this surely must mean we're in for a
very pleasant spring, don't you?  :))

{photos taken in the appalachian mountains of north carolina}

Monday, January 27, 2014

inspiration monday

on these insanely cold winter days,
there's nothing like a kind word to warm your heart.

so,  i'm sending you a big hug and a smile….

and i'm wishing you a fabulous week that's filled with creative bliss!  xox

{supplies:  moleskine journal, pan pastel, micron pens, 
watercolor pencils, 2B & 6B graphite pencils} 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


when it's cold outside for days on end,
the best thing to warm the soul is the perfect cup of hot chocolate.
 a big dollop of whipped cream on top is nice,
but how about a handful of mini marshmallows instead….
just because they're so much fun to chase around in that sea of cocoa.

and while the bobbing for marshmallows is going on,
don't forget about all that extra chocolate on the side….

 because that's probably the best reason to have the hot chocolate in the first place….
for the extra goodies on the side.

oh yeah….and to warm the soul, too, of course.  :))

{see soul-warming hot chocolate recipe here!}

Monday, January 20, 2014

inspiration monday

when it comes to sowing an artful canvas….

just plant some sweet seeds of inspiration from the heart.
(make sure they're the best of the best!)

then add some leaf images using your favorite hand-carved stamp…..

and tuck in a cute little sleeping bunny.

now let patience, and lots of imagination take over….

and you'll be rewarded with a delicious art harvest of golden creativity!

{supplies:  walls notebook, derwent inktense pencils, pitt pens,
hand-carved leaf stamp, uniball signo broad white gel pen, 6B pencil}

Thursday, January 16, 2014

20 seconds of snowfall

when a florida beachcomber finds herself in the
mountains of north carolina in the middle of winter
…..and it starts snowing…..
well, she gets about as giddy as a schoolgirl!

there wasn't enough on the ground to make a snow angel,
but it was still exciting!!  and now i have a great excuse to stay inside
this weekend and drink lots of hot chocolate.
{as if i needed an excuse to do that….!}


{you can watch this video in larger format here!}

Monday, January 13, 2014

inspiration monday

as a collector of quotes, this magazine ad quickly made its way
 into my inspiration file as soon as i saw it!
but the other day, it caught my eye again…..
this time, not for the quotes, but for those fabulous talk bubbles!

so i decided to have some bubbly fun with one of my new stamps….

and then i took a nosedive into my vast collection of alphabet stickers.

 after a little punching….

and some stamping, and gluing…..

i had created this fun little bubbly card!
which just goes to show that what inspires us one day,
can easily inspire us another day…...for a completely new reason!

{supplies:  white card stock, hugs & kisses stamp, alphabet stickers, scrapbook paper, 
foam tape, tombow tape runner, micron pen, charcoal stamp pad}

{you can see my rubber stamp designs here}

Thursday, January 9, 2014

thank you!

{you can watch this little thank you video in large format here}

it's freezing cold outside, but
your response to the announcement of my new
"doodle page" online class
is like a bright ray of sunshine that has completely warmed my heart!

the number generator at has chosen #26 as the recipient
of the giveaway…..

and that means that debbie janelle has won a seat in the class!  woo hoo!
congratulations, debbie!

and many, many thanks to all of you who took the time
to participate in the giveaway!  every single one of your sweet comments
put a huge smile on my face, and i SO appreciate your kindness!
you are the absolute best in blogland…..thank you!!!  xox

Monday, January 6, 2014

inspiration monday…..and a giveaway!

i can't think of anything more inspiring than opening a journal to a blank page
and filling it with a favorite quote!

all it takes are some simple letterforms and variations…..

a little bit of page composition…..

and some doodly finishing touches!

and i'd love to create a doodle page together with you
in my new online class over at creative workshops…..

because we're going to learn about all these things….and more!

please join me in the classroom over at creative workshops for my new online class
doodle page !

the doors to the classroom open on february 17th!
here's what's in store:
*we'll talk about finding inspiration
*we'll brush up on some simple print letterforms and learn several variations
*we'll get some insight on basic page composition principles
 *and we'll have some fun with watercolor and shading techniques!

there's over two hours of video instruction, along with lots of PDFs for you to print out! and you'll have 24/7 access to the classroom….come and go as you like, and journal while eating chocolate and wearing your pajamas!


and to celebrate this creative new year and all the inspiration it holds,
i'm giving away a seat in the classroom!
all you need to do is leave a comment here on this post (just one comment per person, please!) by 10:00 p.m. EST on wednesday, january 8th.  one recipient will be chosen over at, and i'll announce the name here on my blog on thursday, january 9th!  please make sure your comment either links back to your blog, or leave your e-mail so i can contact you if your name is chosen!  (this giveaway is open to all bloggy sweeties who are 18 years of age or older!)

see you in the classroom!

{please click here for more information and registration!}

edited:  comments are now closed….thank you so much!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

happy artful new year!

welcome to 2014!
'tis the season for setting resolutions for a new year….
but truth be told, i'm still working on my goals for last year!
(and my ever-expanding-chocolate-inspired-hips
tell the story that my 2013 resolution to lose weight is still in progress)

so i've decided my resolution for this year is
to fulfill my goals from last year,
to keep following my heart…..

and strive for the most artful, authentic,
create art-from-my-heart kind of year possible!

wishing you a very artful new year!!

{supplies:  moleskine journal, derwent inktense pencils, koi watercolor,
pitt artist pens, pilot "choose" white gel pen, 6B pencil}