Monday, October 26, 2009

inspiration monday

i love to watch baseball.....and now that the postseason is upon us, i'm in absolute take-me-out-to-the-ballgame heaven. of course, the multi-tasker in me begs to be happy too, so i sit with my graph pad and pencil and doodle while i'm watching the game. and where there's tv, there's lots of "promotional interruptions", and so begins the inspiration.....
have you seen that commercial with those goofy cavemen in the bowling alley? it's a great ad, and quite effective because you only have to see/hear it once and the song will be in your head for the next three days, along with grand visions of three hairy cavemen fist-pumping and high-fiving all over the place! it also offers enough inspiration to create a happy little easy that even a caveman can do it.....(sorry, but you probably knew that was coming....)

if you haven't seen the goofiness and want a good laugh, you can watch it here

first-draft doodle artwork created using pencil on graph paper


walther said...

love it, love it..
lvoe you...!

walther said...

i mean love you!

Sandi said...

oh what a fun Monday morning giggle. Hugs

Becky Shander said...

What a great idea to doodle while watching sports. Thanks for the tip and I'll have to try it out.

Patty S said...

omg you have me LOL big time!
i love your little doodle :-)
(and yes i love that commercial and the song does get stuck in my head... like it is now because all you had to do was mention it!!!)
~are you rooting for the phillies or the yankees??? i am a big phillies fan, but i live pretty close to philly, so they are my 'local' team.
patty :-)

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I just love your lettering! That commercial cracked me up, too! Happy Monday, lori!

Martha Lever said...

I love these cavemen! The Geico people have the best ad department in TV right now.

I love your wonderful doodle too! I love a pencil!

Mary said...


Lori, received the wonderful little goody bags and tags. They are so cute. I love them!!

Pat said...

TV and doodling go together like baseball and hot dogs. :)

spencer said...


i contacted the group 3 Doors Down and requested them to change the song to "Let me bean myself", but they replied with an angry letter :(

♥♥ tuğçe♥♥ said...

alll ur hand-made works are great and ur is so enjoyable take care((:

julie king said...

"yourself" is the very beat thing to be, lori!!! i'm enjoying seeing the littile peeks of your signature pink and black check glasses in your photos lately.

Beedeebabee said...

Hi Again Sweetie! I JUST LOVE your doodle art!...those cavemen are too funny! I'm humming that song already, oh no! Hugs, ;)

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