i'm going to spend this afternoon doing a little sewing. i've got some book boards covered with arches textwove paper, and some watercolor papers folded and all ready for their make-overs into blank journals. i really enjoy the cutting and folding of the papers, and the gluing of the covers, but i must admit that the sewing is my favorite part. that's the part when everything comes together and suddenly you have a journal.....and it truly fascinates me every time!
can't wai to see it; i love sewing. i have been hand stitching so i look forward to buying my sewing machine soon (it's my early christmas present).
can't wait to see it!! and your upcoming works Lori!!
(btw: i posted some stuff about your works and your blog.. well, i'm worried cause i didn't get your permission.. hope it's ok.)
I really enjoy your journals, can't wait to see this one. I just learned how to sew a book and it was so much fun!
I love the pic you posted here. Have fun sewing!!
and you have mastered it, they are so beautiful. Sandi
I love getting everything all laid out and then putting it all together like pieces in a puzzle. You have a wonderful gift, darling :) I haven't thanked you in awhile for all of your sweet words. They truly mean ever so much to me :)
It fascinates me to see your process, lori. I just love it when you show your step-by-step photos...and videos! Thank you for sharing aways.
i'm sure that the sewing signifies the end of a fun creative process. do you find yourself thinking up what you're going to do next when you're sewing?
ooooooooooo can't wait to see the final results! :-)
I'm looking forward to seeing your new journal! I'm sure it will be just as pretty and creative as your others!
OOOH!...Hi Sweetie! I just can't wait to see what you create! Can't wait, can't wait!!!!
You know Lori, even this photo of your supplies, looks like art!... You've just got that special something! Hugs, Paulette ;)
Oh ... what a tease!! I can't wait to see what you're working on! The suspense.... Enjoy the process!
Hi Lori! I just love your journals! I agree with Paulette, your photo of supplies looks like art already! I see you joined the Play Date too, so happy to see you there. I know all your goodies will be so much fun to incorporate with the upcoming challenges. Happy Stitching!
Lisa :)
How fun !
P.S I loved your 'youtube' piece :))
Oh, I love that moment when suddenly a piece becomes a whole instead of a collection of parts.
Enjoy your sewing afternoon, and may it be a productive one...
What a great collection of thread you have there! Fab colors!
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