Friday, November 4, 2011

liquid sunshine

i hope your weekend is filled with 
exciting things like yellow ochre, permanent yellow deep, aureolin,
new gamboge,  cadmium orange hue, and naples yellow......



Cynthia Schelzig said...

mmmmm it will be now that I got my dose of sunshine!! We need it here today too.....very cloudy:( but that is ok as I am painting alllll day,,,fun, fun. Too bad I did not get lucky in the draw....I am consoling myself with extra chocolate today...I will be in the class...lookout:)Can you handle us that have chicken scratch????

Doda said...

ooh! Luverly colours, lets hope so. Here it's more of a paynes grey kind of day.

Betty Jo said...

Raining here today, so sunshine is appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend Lori.

Isabel said...

Yummy colors!!!:O) Have an awesome weekens!!:O)

Mary said...

may you have a fab weekend my friend. getting ready to drop off stuff for the Little Red Barn sale this weekend.


Jeanette said...

Thanks, Lori! Wishing you a sunshine-filled weekend and everyday for that matter. The yellow looks so luscious and dreamy. Sure to create a smile!
Hugs to you! xoxo, Jeanette

Unknown said...

Have a joyful, sunny, wonderful weekend! <3

Dymphie said...

your photo fits the day perfect overhere, we have a very sunny and warm (the warmest ever!) Nov 4 :)

wish you a wonderful weekend!

Doris said...

Thanks, same to you! Lovely watercolors!!

Bridget said...

Thanks for the sun. It's not out in the NW today :( What did you use to write your pain colors on your pallet? That's SO smart!!!

Atticelf said...

That does sound lovely. Right back atcha!

Eulalia said...

I love yellow colour: my kitchen is yellow, my bathroom is yellow, my leather sofa is yellow, my stamping room curtain is yellow... my heart feel yellow... my mind think yellow.
The yellow sunshine is in my life every day. Lori, thanks a lot for this wonderful "yellow medley"!!
Have a bright and shining weekend.
xoxoxo Eulalia from Italy

Becky Shander said...

Ooh, liquid sunshine sounds so GOOD!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

I was a few days ill in bed, and now I visit your blog again and find so many fabulous new art works full of inspiration, thank you so much for sharing.
Have a nice sunny weekend,
hugs Anja

Christine E-E said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! oh - your liquid sunshine is so very vibrant! yes - I snitched a piece of chocolate this afternoon from the candy dish at work! yummy!

Lisa said...


Mona_63 said...

thank for Your inspiration...

Createology said...

Ohh how I am in need of your beautiful warm yellow sunshine. Our weather is super cold and grey and damp. Now I feel a smile on my face. Wonderful weekend dear...

Betty Jo said...

I just opened a new blog today Lori, and used my first post to advertise your new class. ♥

Lisa Graham said...

Hello Lori! Thanks for stopping by the other day and your sweet comment.

Happy weekend to you as well!

See you again soon!

Unknown said...

This is just the perfect color for today: rainy and cloudy...have a nice week end!

Noodle on This said...

YAY!!!!!!! Letter Lab time! Get your pens ready, set and...

Millie said...

I love the purity of color that you use. I strive for that!

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