Wednesday, November 23, 2011

pyramids and priorities

 i shared this on my blog a couple of years's my own Thanksgiving version of the  traditional food pyramid, the recommended guide which suggests we eat less of what's at the top, and more of what's at the bottom.   which kinda explains where turkey is on my priority list, as opposed to pumpkin pie with whipped cream, sweet potatoes, and you guessed it:  chocolate.....heeheehee

tomorrow, we celebrate Thanksgiving here in America, and i just want you to know that i'm SO very grateful for you!  thank you for taking the time to stop by here and say hello.....i appreciate your comments and encouragement so much!  i'm going to take a few bloggy days off this week to spend with my family, but i'll see you on monday!!

many blessings to you and your sweet family!!

{food pyramid created using watercolor pencils, micron pens, 
waterbrush, graphite pencil}


Katie Cannon said...

I love it. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. See you on Monday.

Janie Husband said...

i love it also....have a great day. lori....;)

Jeanette said...

Lori! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! May every blessing be yours on this special day and always! Good to know someone has finally gotten the Food Pyramid right!!! ;) Also, wanted to share a sweet little prayer so perfect for the holiday:
So once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In thankfulness of heart.
Arthur Guiterman
So thankful you share YOUR blessing of creativity with us.
xoxo, Jeanette

Mary said...

sweet Lori, Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...enjoy time with loved ones!!

i have been off of sugar in the form of chocolate, desserts, sweets for almost a week...oh how i want sugar!!
we will see how tomorrow goes with the smell of pumpkin pie in the oven!!!

fran pascazio said...

Great post ... love this pyramid ... it would have the weight watchers and Dr. Oz in a spin.
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family....

campsusie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of yours Lori!
Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with add such a brightness to the world!

Brigitte aka Scrappassie said...

No Thanksgiving here, but I'll be thankful without the turkey ;-) Wishing you a wonderful day!

Jancalligrapher said...

Hi, Lori, I am so thankful for you, Lori, your cheerful spirit and sense of fun always makes me smile. I LOVED your response to my blog! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and here's to wastebaskets and recreation! Love to you

Unknown said...

Happy, happy thanksgiving!! <3

Kathy said...

I think I like your way of thinking Lori...Happy Thanksgiving.

LR said...

have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.

Dymphie said...

Happy Thanksgiving, wish you a wonderful family day!

Eulalia said...

The last Thursday of November: Thanksgiving... I wish you and your family a fabulous day!!
I like very much "ciccia-turckey" (ciccia=meat, pronouncing the sweet C). Can you send me a little bit?
xoxoxo Eulalia

Unknown said...

Happy thanksgiving!!!

Unknown said...


Leen Christens said...

Looks lovely!!

aimee said...

that looks right on to me! happy day!

Createology said...

I believe I shall eat your food pyramid in reverse order...just to keep myself completely ecstatic. Happy Thanksgiving Blessings to you and yours Lori...

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

Does the fruit dip really belong with the sweets I love at the bottom, best part of the pyramid??!!! Happy Thanksgiving, lori! I am very grateful for you! Kath

Jen Shults said...

I could totally get into that kind of a food pyramid!

Annie Lightbulb said...

Happy thanksgiving :) Hope your having a great day!

Annie Lightbulb said...

Mmm, I would so start at the top and work my to the bottom, lol!

teri said...

You are so darned clever. Happy Thanksgiving!

Lisa Graham said...

That is so great Lori! Hope you had a wonderful celebration. Thank you for your kind words of congratulations over at my place!

PS: the top of my pyramid would probably have pumpkin cheesecake.
: )

Betty Jo said...

That's awesome Lori! But, you'd have to turn it upside down for me; with turkey the biggest item. Yummy! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.


love this !

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