Monday, March 12, 2012

inspiration monday

sometimes inspiration is as close as your favorite tools!

{these pages were created in my elvie catalog using micron pens,
pitt pens, koi watercolor, derwent watercolor pencils, 2B and 4B pencils}


Jeanette said...

Lori! Another wonderful edition to your "Elvie Studio" journal. I haven't even seem some of these nibs before and I adore them too - because of your beautiful illustrations. Always perfect details and colors. Thanks for the dose 'o inspiration. Hope your week is fab-o!!! xoxo, Jeanette

Sandi said...

Lori, WOW, hugs

Heather said...

love this - i love my microns, too!
have a great week!

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

Love this! Your pages are always so yummy. I want to learn how to use Derwent Watercolor pencils and colorblocks next... So much to do...!

mama bleu said...

so simple and so beautiful!!

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Fabulous display of your nibs!!! Love the post!! THanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

Your lovely art makes me want to get out my calligraphy pens.

Unknown said...

perfect <3

Orsolina said...

I love your pages.


Jane said...

Everything you do is a work of art Lori!

rachel awes said...

you must have the most delicious bookshelf...full of lori-amazingness-books!!!
how i'd love to curl up
+ read them all.

Eulalia said...

Hi Lori.
My daughter is a fountain pen collector. She would certainly like these drawing pages... I absolutely love them.
Heartfelt thank you for your pleasant comments (and your e-mail)... my dear special American friend!
xoxoxo Eulalia

Dolores said...

Thanks Lori. I love my micron pens.

Becky Shander said...

Such cool tools you use...seeing your drawing makes me want to learn how to use them.

Claire M said...

What wonderful 'toys'! I want some 'play time'!!!

Lynette (NZ) said...

so inspired by inspiration monday - your lettering is divine

Doda Smith said...

these pages are so wonderful and should be published in a a book for everyone to draw on their inspiration!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Another beautiful and inspiring page, thanks for sharing.
Wish you a happy week,
hugs Anja

Createology said...

Your inspiration always brings a smile to my face. I adore your drawings! Wonderful week to you dear...

Jane Farr said...

Hip-hip-hooray for nibs! Your illustrations are wonderful, Lori! said...

How cool is this illustration... love it all :]

froebelsternchen said...

So AWESOME your fantatsic watercoloring!

Jancalligrapher said...

I love the pictures of the nibs, great job!!

Andria said...

You made yummy art supplies even yummier...who knew that was even possible?!?

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

My goodness inspire me so much through your art and makes me want to really pay more attention to the little beauties right in front of me..

Thank Y♥U
♥Lee Ann

Rebecca Trump said...

Gorgeous drawings!!! I LOVE those pens, too :) You are always so inspiring!!!

Erica said...

Hello Ms. Lori! If you decide to sell this as a print, let me know ... I will definitely buy one! LOVE it! :-)

Unknown said...

Love your blog! Which pen(s) would you recommend for Bible journaling (thin pages) that do not bleed through? I want to use both brush type pens and thin pens-preferably with the ability to color elements of the letter designs for accent.

lori vliegen said...

hi fran! thanks so much for your comment on my inspiration monday blog post! to answer your question about pens for Bible journaling, i've had good luck using the sakura micron pens. they do tend to bleed through the paper a bit, but if you'd like to avoid that, you could do your artwork on separate paper and then attach to your Bible page using a dry adhesive so it won't buckle the page. thanks again for stopping by my blog!

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