one of my favorite things to do is sit in front of the tv at night and doodle on a piece of graph paper......all of those fabulous little squares wait so patiently to be filled! and you would think that with a studio full of supplies i would choose something interesting to doodle with, but i've discovered that i absolutely love using a plain ol' pencil! maybe one of these days i'll abandon my fascination for graphite and move on into the world of colored pencils.....but i have a feeling it's gonna be a slow transition!
happy weekend to you!
p.s. our sweet bloggy friend becky shander has been one of the featured artists this week over at crescendoh......congrats to you becky!!
oh i adore graph paper...in fact! it's too funny, but the hubster and I were just talking about finding a 'graph paper' patterend fabric to put up in his studio as curtains...because it is so inspirational to look at! so i totally know about your obsession....
and it all started with the shirt my son was wearing because it reminded us of paper!!!!!!
happy doodles!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
I know what you mean about the pencil, Lori! Seems like I can come up with some genius designs while I'm talking on the phone...it's translating those to ink or goauche that seems to elude...
oh my! I have a whole tablet of graph paper, and never thought to use it to doodle!!! Oooohhh! Thanks for the inspiration :)
Delicious letters Lori! Reminds me of Tom Perkins beautifully carved letters. :)
I just adore your doodling, lori! I'll bet that you will make yourself a graph paper mini journal to sketch in, in the evenings! What a sweet treat!
{Thank you for your kind comment!}
Oh and there's no better smell than freshly sharpened pencils. The real wood kind. Not those plastic things I've seen in my kid's backpack.
Sheesh, I wish I could doodle like you!
There's just something about your writing that makes me want to read more!! I haven't doodled on graph paper yet.....I'd probably want to keep things in the lines!! Ugh! May just give this a try soon :D
Your doodles are always so much fun....
I just adore your lettering. Always beautiful. And yes, I love filling those little squares too!
Even when you use a plain pencil, your doodles are colorful...the brightness comes from you.
Thank you for your sweet congrats and good energy. You're always so thoughtful and I appreciate it very much.
there is nothing plain about your wonderful doodles Lori!
Lori...your doodles are adorable no matter what you choose to doodle with! Graph paper and a regular old pencil work just fine...your talent is always there!
Happy Sunday, Sweetie! xoxo Paulette
you are the most awesome doodler.
makes me HAPPY to see your little creative lines!
Oh my gosh girlfriend. I love graph paper and doodling on it. I like to draw designs and then color parts in with markers, make celtic work etc. How fun we like the same. Have a great week.
I'll have to pick up some graph paper. I usually have a few notebooks laying around to sit and make notes and such. But you should give charcoal pencils a try. They're awesome!
there is something comforting about a pencil. My favorite to doodle with too. Your doodles are ART!!!
graph paper - what a great idea! they are perfect for lettering, and yours looks beautiful in all its graphite glory!
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