i picked up my sweet, adorable friend patty for lunch yesterday......and as she got in the car she handed me the most gorgeous royal blue bag containing these little bite-size nuggets of pure happiness!

but these little morsels aren't your traditional melt-in-your-mouth goodness......these have a spectacular, crunchy, salty, sweety crunch inside.....pretzels!! and i must confess to being so excited that the bag was open before i could put the car in reverse, and we had eaten the entire thing before we even got to the restaurant......where we both had salads to balance out the massive intake of sugar and carbs that we had just consumed......

and then later i noticed this little nutritional fact on the back of the bag......
so in my i-got-a-D-in-high-school-calculus brain, that probably means that i can eat 30% more............right?
more about these new m&m's here!
my son made me aware of this new sweet treat when they advertised it on tv. i am glad you had a "sweet" moment with your friend.
MMmmmm I must try these!
dearest lori
i am one to troll the candy isle on the lookout for any new morsel containing chocolate and several weeks ago i found these lovely little chocolate pretzel treasures. aren.t they wonderful? i am so happy that you have a friend who nourishes your taste for such pleasures! what a happy day. and yes, my dear...MY..i got a D in calculus brain too....thinks that your math is right on sweetheart.
I hope I forget that I saw how delicious they look!!!!
Your photos are gorgeous! Oh, and thanks for nibbling those two just enough so we could see the yummy pretzel inside. Such control not to just pop the whole dang thing in your mouth and crunch away. This blogging thing is not always easy huh?
Wow, I love sweet and salty together. Had seen them on TV, glad to hear a review of the. Great pictures too.
Did you HAVE to use the zoom lens? Oh man, I want some now!
(drool, drool)
Those look so good. Probably only available in the US, though. Maybe my daughter can pick some up for me when she goes next month...
I HAVE got to get some of those!! And to think they aren't as I would've thought!
oh yes, that's exactly what it means!!!!!!
oh heaven, pretzels and chocolate!!! I say mix them with regualar m&m's for a bit more chocolate!! :)
Hi Lori! I just added these to my list of things I NEED to pick up today! I didn't even know about these delicious looking goodies. (your photos are so wonderful!) I know tomorrow the snap and half the zipper on my jeans will be open and hidden underneath a nice big hide-it-all type of shirt...but who cares when such yumminess is concerned!! Patty must be a very special friend! xo Paulette
oh my gosh! i had these once because a family member brought them to a gathering & i've been meaning to get my own stash & i'm writing down the reminder in my calendar RIGHT NOW!! :) xx
Woo hoo!
I hadn't heard about these. They sure sound delish - so thank you - I think!?! ;-)
And did my heart ever smile when I caught a glimpse of your adorable thumbprint/pinky fingerprint card - with you and your little dutch sweetie!
So cute, Lori!!!
Crystal :-)
Oh my goodness, I want a bag!!
I heard about those. I'm usually a M&M's with almonds kind of gal, but those do look and sound pretty darn good!
Oh Lori Your goodies look and sound soooo tempting, but I think I will pass on these. I just reached my goal weight in my weight loss program - 53 pounds down - so I think I just better keep them away. Ouch. So glad you and your friend enjoyed them though. Linda E.
I hadn't heard about these so I will definitely have to check them out. They sound really good. Have a wonderful day.
My secret hiding place could use a bag of these. Now I have something to look forward to on my next shopping trip.
Oh my goodness! I haven't even seen an ad for them here in WNY! Why have I not heard of these?? They have Kath written ALL over them! I'm going on a hunt. Mia will be thrilled, too!
I was just sitting here, reading blogs, and munching on M&Ms dark chocolate. Guess I'll have to expand my horizons.
I have not as of yet seen those wonderful nuggets of goodness!
but when I do.....
30% more of anything sounds good right about now!!!!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
chocolate and pretzels are the besssst together! mmmmm :)
Oh no, now I've gotta go find these and try them for myself. I just now noticed that even your favorite movie is Chocolat!!!
you are awesome :-)
i love your way of thinking!!!
What an interesting tidbit. I hadn't heard about these yet out here in California, but I'll certainly be on the lookout for them. They sound mighty tempting. Thanks for sharing!!
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