Friday, November 13, 2009

whittlers unite!!

one of the most fun things about keeping this blog has been getting to know all of you.....and after yesterday's brownie post, i've learned that there are an awful lot of brownie whittlers out there!!! woo hoo!! and, of course, i couldn't let this discovery go without creating a little doodle.....

to be celebrated with a brownie....or two.... :))

have a great weekend!!


Christie Minchew said...

About the last thing I need is for a total stranger (albeit a very fun, artsy one) to tempt me so strongly with a photo of those unbelievably great looking brownies (I think I can smell them, too) AND an involved description of MY whittling technique :). Sheesh! If I fall this weekend, it will be on your head (though I will probably thank you for it!).

Diva Kreszl said...

I confess, I'm a whittler!!! there are less calories that way...right???

Beedeebabee said...

OH GOOOOSH! I LOVE THIS LORI!!! What a PERFECT doodle follow up to yesterday's yummy chocolaty post!
That's such an ADORABLE drawing!
Hugs, Paulette ;)

Silke Powers said...

Oh, please send that brownie over! I'll even become a whittler for it!! I think I am just plain lazy, which is why I cut a big piece to begin with. Daniel, however is a whittler... Love, love, love your doodle!! Hugs, Silke

Lisa Holtzman said...

Your "doodle" is so gimme that brownie : )

Lisa Holtzman said...

The verification word that came up for my last comment was binge!! Looks like I'll be baking tonight...

presious said...

I was never much of a baker lol! Everything, except for a cake out of a box, comes out very hard! My kids step back and say, "Ewwwh!" I've come to the realization baking isn't my thing :).

In this case, I'm glad cause I'd make a pan of brownies and eat the whole thing all by myself! shame! lol!

Tara said...

You are too funny! I must confess I am a whittler! Love your doodles! Have a good one.

Doda said...

that's fabulous! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your lettering.. I so wish I could do that! How did you begin? Did you figure it all out yourself, or did you start with a book, or some lessons, or what? Can you share?


PrairiePeasant said...

Very sweet. Sign me up for the club!

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I too confess that after your Brownie Blog yesterday, I ransacked my kitchen for chocolate. Hubby made fun of me when he found me secretly chewing in the dark. I really did try to eat well yesterday...til evening.

Patty S said...

i love your chocolatey delicious doodle! (your doodles are BEAUTIFUL and very inspiring!!)
save a few brownie whittles for the weekend! :-)

Mary said...

Here's to whittlers unite!!!
You are too funny!!!
I have been a whittling or a pumpkin loaf tonight!!!! :)

Have a great weekend sweetie!!!

Teresa aka Tess said...

I lovoove brownies. How did you know? :) (Is that one mine?)

Debbie said...

I just read your "whittler" post...hilarious and oh too true for me! What a cute drawing! Have a chocolaty weekend!

Claire M said...

Sign me up for your club!! I just might have to make a batch of brownies tonight.

Sara said...

Oh goodness miss lori! how adorable and sweet are you?! :)

LR said...

you always know how to prepare us for the weekend. after your brownie post yesterday, i decided to bake some kind of sweet snack with my son. although it wasn't a brownie, marshmallows were involved. you know that was a huge hit in my house. i've never made brownies, but i will surely try it soon. have an awesome weekend my dear online friend :-)

Cat said...

So funny! Brownie Whittlers! What a name... and how appropriate!

Your doodles say it well!

Jennifer DeDonato said...

Yum! I love brownies and your sign!

Staci Danford said...

Well I missed the brownies but so glad I got to go back and catch up. What fun..

Monica Holtsclaw said...

This is too funny! I had missed your previous post, but knew immediately what brownie whittlers must be & that it was a group I naturally belong to! Love it :)

p.s. my word verification is "crumbo" I think that's fitting since we can't let the crumbs go to waste either!!

Janean said...

you are sooooooooooo talented. yay!!!

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