i am often asked if there's a story that goes along with my heart-in-hand avatar, and i'm reminded of a day trip i took about 20 years ago. we lived in the midwest at the time, and a friend and i decided to head out to a quilt show that was being held in a nearby town. we ended up driving through amish country, and while i had known about their lifestyle, i had never actually experienced it up-close and personal. it's hard not to notice their complete devotion to such a simple lifestyle, but what struck me even more was how they were able to convey this same simplicity into their artwork. some of the most beautiful quilts i've ever seen were seen that day...the patterns were uncomplicated, the colors were true and rich, and the workmanship was exquisite. and just as we were leaving, a small pillow caught my eye, decorated with a heart-in-hand, and with the words "hands to work, hearts to God". i fell in love with it then, and twenty years later i'm still loving it...and i'm still inspired!
inspired by heart-in-hand, i created this small quilt almost 15 years ago. i've used this image as inspiration for many pieces of artwork over these past years...i'll share some of them with you this week!
Oscar Wilde once said: "I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex." It's so true. I seek simplicity more and more, the older I get. I love this quilt, Lori. What a treasure! (Will you be hanging it at your new home?) Looking forward to what you'll be sharing w/ us this week. Hugz. ~gina
Wow, Lori! Thanks for sharing! I agree with Gina- the older I get the more appealing simplicity is! Thanks for starting off my week with a cheerful story!
What a wonderful impact that trip had on you. I love the quilt you've shown here. Simple and yet elegant, just like the Amish. The theme that I am reminded of is the slogan The Salvation Army church used for many, many years. "Heart to God, Hand to Man". Loved this post and I'll be watching for the next and next this week, looking to see other things you've been inspired to make with this symbol.
This is wonderful, Lori. I don't remember ever seeing this and you should hang it in your now studio. Love the "hands to work, hears to God" How beautiful is that!
What a great story. Thanks for sharing.
I love this.
I also love the Mary Jane's...
You never cease to amaze me!
Love your new quilt and the story behind your logo. It is one of my favorites.
Thank you for always visiting my blog and for leaving nice comments.
Take care,
Simple with strong meaning. I love it. I too agree with Gina and Lauren. The older I get, the more simple I want things to be. My teenagers even seem to be following me!...lol. Simple is good! Besides, when things get complicated, it only makes us confused...you know, those senior moments :)...lol
Good story
Great post Lori. I admire the way the Amish keep the Main Thing the main thing. Simple and plain doesn't mean backward. Your quilt is wonderful!
What a wonderful story. I dont know a lot about the armish, but Im sure most of us in the world could learn a lot about simplicity from them. Im sure I could at least.
Its a nice idea to have a personal avatar, especially one that pops into your life unexpectedly.
what a beautiful quilt and beautiful sentiment behind it! I much admire the simple lifestyle...
Love the story and the wonderful message.. We should all step back and take the simple approach.. We might be amazed what we're missing.
Beautiful Lori! Love the colours, the design, the message.
Aren't the Amish just amazing? Sometimes I *really* think I'd rather be living that way...so simple and beautiful! That symbol has been a favorite of mine for years...I have a hand-carved stamp that I made almost 7 years ago now that I use to mark the back of my cards. (See how much we have in common??) ;) I love your artwork and your stories, my friend...thank you for the continuing inspiration! {{hugs!}}
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