hi. my name is lori and i'm an online-class-aholic.
i have a yearning for learning.....and there are SO many wonderful instructors out there in cyber-space to gather inspiration from, how can i resist the classes they offer?!
take pam carriker, for example......she's a very talented artist, and i truly appreciate her "you can do this" teaching style! i recently finished pam's shades of gray class, so it seemed only natural to go on to the next step with her pursuing portraits class! of course, drawing faces is waaaaay out of my comfort zone, as this is definitely something that i've never done before (unless two dots for eyes and a curved line for the smile counts as a "face"!), but pam takes it one-step-at-a-time, making it seem very do-able! and now with practice, i'm starting to feel a little more comfortable drawing the facial features.......the hair, however, is a completely different story! i have been drawing the faces, only to fail miserably when it comes to drawing the hair.....and by the time i'm finished, they all look like candidates for the state penitentiary! yikes!!! so, when i finished drawing this little face, i decided to take the easy way out and just draw a frame around her to hide the fact she was having such a bad hair day! which i know looks a little strange, but i can see that i'm going to need lots more "hair practice".....either that, or find an online class that features drawing hats..... :))
i think she is beautiful they way you drew her. you created a frame to highlight her beauty.
I love what you've been doing and don't get intimidated...you can do faces and hair too!!!
oh i sooooo hear you. i cannot draw a face to save my life. at least not a decent one. hair i can do. this is absolutely stunning! i think the frame around it says tons. it's just beautiful!
Yep, you see my hand raised in "that's me, too." Except in real life, I can't do hair either. I'm having a bad hair decade. xoxox
As with the facial features, the hair will come to you in an "aha" moment. It's lovely how you've framed her face.
ah if only we could just wear a frame around our faces when we are having a bad hair day. LOL
i'm impressed with your face! see, i'm opposite you. i can draw some rockin' hair, but i'd have the two dots and curved smile line. heeheehee!
i'm proud of you for expanding your comfort zone - that is awesome!
have fun and i look forward to seeing more faces (with hair??? LOL)
hugs, patty ;-)
Hats could work!
I loved Pam's portrait class! I even thought one or two of my faces were decent -- I struggled with the hair also.
Love your face!!! Love the framing job. Keep trying -
ps - I'm have a bad hair week!
I bet you are being too hard on yourself. Show us a lady with some hair, I bet she's not so bad!
I like what you did with the frame though!
I think she looks very serene and elegant the way she is...like you intended to do that :-)
you so funny!
I can't draw faces or hair!
Brave soul you are! Glad to hear about a class to help with learning how to draw people - it is something I would like to spend some time on this year. I like how you've captured this image. Great start!
You ventured outside the box ~ yahoo! Great job on that portrait.
How wonderful that you keep going outside of your comfort zone. And it looks like you're enjoying this growth spurt, good for you!
I think she's really good; I like the hopeful look on her face. Hair? Who needs hair? Maybe she wears a helmet all day (hee hee). And you've inspired me to look at online classes. Maybe I'll become an --aholic too.
You are just doing some incredible work.. WOW is all I can say..
i think you are talented (and smart, framed hair who would think of that...), love the face and shading. Your drawings always look so very sophisticated.
drawing a portrait is one of the most difficult things to
accomplish,you are really doing it lori!!
she is very pretty :)
oh lori she's beautiful....with OR without hair! one of my very favorite artists does portraits of girls without hair and i sooooooo love 'em! check out audrey phillips girls at the linky below. :)
I think you've drawn a beautiful face Lori! She must be a smart girl because as bald people like to say, "Grass can't grow over a busy intersection." :)
Now...don't you go getting intimidated by hair! I know you can do it Lori, just look at how beautiful your face is, and if you can do a face like that, you can do hair too! ... She doesn't even need hair, I really like her just the way she is! Hugs, Paulette ;)
PS. Gosh, you're so funny! I giggled all the way through this post!!!
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