Wednesday, July 7, 2010


there's nothing like a little wisdom from our favorite
1960's caped crusader to get the day going right.

doodle finished with micron pen, watercolor pencil, pebbles chalk pastel, 6B pencil



Love it ! And funnily enough, I had a bit of a batmobile experience yesterday. But it wasn't funny at the time !

Shelley Malone said...

Can you do some "BAM!", "BIFF!" and "POW!" too? Pretty please?

Mary said...

funny Lori!! :)

I want to tell you I received your beautiful "Believe in your dream" journal. I am going to give it to my daughter as she leaves for college. A few years ago a friend of mine made me a beautiful collage with this poem on it.

"Hold fast your dreams...
within your heart keep one still, secret spot, where dreams may go,
and sheltered so, may thrive and grow - where doubt and fear are not. Oh, keep a place apart withing your heart, for little dream to go". ~Louise Driscoll

I'm going to write it in the front of the journal - perfect isn't it!!


Eden said...

Gotta love Batman!!! You've got a 4B and a 6B!! My my, I've only got a B and a 2B....The doodling is adorable! Still in love with your lettering :D

*Hey, I second the BAM & POW request :D

nacherluver said...

tee hee! cute! never heard this one but will not forget it now that I have.

Staci Danford said...

My husband is a cop and that just cracked me up.. I'll have to let him know about that.. haha

Teresa aka Tess said...

Oh yeas, please do BAm, Biff and Pow!! LOve this....

Patty S said...

i have to show this to ben... he is obsessed with batman! in fact, right now he is playing batman wii. he draws batman all the time. great quote - great subject! :-)

aimee said...

fun!! i love the shading in your lettering by the way - i keep meaning to tell you that!

Anonymous said...

Super heroes can be so wise, can't they?!? Loved the giggle today :)

Martha Lever said...

Lori, this is really cute!!! I love Batman--always did!

Shirley said...

Lori, I always enjoy looking at your doodling as you call it. I like batman and the previous post. I always enjoy seeing what everyone is doing. Keep doodling and I will keep visiting to see what you are doing next. Take care Your Missouri Friend.

Julie Bagamary said...


Marthann's Musings said...

You crack me up !!!! Love this post. Holy artwork Batman, said Robin LOL

Sandi said...

so true, so true, Love it. Hugs

rachel awes said...

how fun & true!
b * a * m!
h## u * g *!!

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