Wednesday, August 24, 2011


i was rummaging through my little drawer of carved stamps the other day and i realized that i didn't have any alphabet stamps.  how in the world did that happen?!!  so i got out a big piece of speedy-carve, and because i'm such a rule follower, i started with the A.  but once i got to the G i started to lose steam.

part of me wondered how long i could survive using only the first seven letters of the alphabet.....but after trying to find words using only those letters, i decided i don't normally use phrases like "bad-fed-cage-face" in my art journals.  egad!  so i continued carving......

and after a timely choco-break (or two), i had carved all 26 of those sweet little 

and this is all that remains!
conclusion:  there's nothing better at the end of an art day than a big pile of pink!

{alpha-stamps carved from speedy-carve using speedball and staedtler carving tools}


nacherluver said...

Sweet! All fun moving forward, no?

Lisa said...

These are great! so much work though..

LR said...

a sign of hard work and pure passion.

Carin Winkelman said...

LOL, my compliments on your perserverance! ;-)

Createology said...

Great job. I am glad you took your chocolate break and continued carving. There are so many words or phrases that use more than the beginning letters...just like this sentence. :o)
Thanks for the smile this AM. Happy stamping...

Unknown said...

go, YOU!! They look SO neatly carved. If I ever carved a stamp, it would look as if some sort of toothy animal gnawed through wood to break free.

Atticelf said...

Very cool! I was SO close to buying a stamp carving kit yesterday. Lori, you're enabling! :) BTW, your alphas look fabulous!

Ann-Margret said...

Wow, you're ambitious! You had me laughing, though, about trying to use only first seven letters of the alphabet. :) Happy stamping!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Any day with pink is a good day for me :)

I need some alphabet stamps and your post showed me I can make them myself. Yippee!!


Unknown said...

Oh clever clever you - these are brilliant

Patty S said...

lol! yes, it is kind of hard to be limited to the first few letters of the alphabet!
i love your stamps. they look beautiful and very precise! i am so amazed at your lettering and stamp carving skills! have fun spelling things like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Unknown said...

FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and for the chocolate break, I hope it's Belgian chocolate!!!!)

Jen Shults said...

OH my those are some gorgeous letter! Just LOVE LOVE LOVE that!

Doda said...

phew! what an achievment!

Yogi said...

fun. haven't gotten around to doing a whole alphabet yet... maybe one day.

Jessie May said...

So glad you finished the alphabet, it's brilliant! I bought a set of alphabet stamps recently (temporarily lost the 'o') and have had so much fun with them! Enjoy :)

Eden said... was the Chocolate, had to be the chocolate that propelled you into the whirlwind frenzy of Alphabet-pink-carver stampede!! You gotta tell us what chocolate now, cuz my energy is waning :D :D

Andria said...

I can't imagine the time and patience required to carve the entire alphabet! You made me laugh when you were tempted to stop with the first seven letters...I wouldn't have blamed you one bit! Great "font".

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I have decided that you must be a Super Hero...and I am really slow. Egad!

Jane Farr said...

Gorgeous Neuland Lori!

Tara said...


mama bleu said...

you are remarkable at carving stamps!!

Dymphie said...

look at those clean lines! wonderful alfabeth Lori.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Lori, I admire your perserverence! Your letters are So cute! Enjoy your day! Twyla

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Beautiful letters, gratulation!

Anonymous said...

Lori - You are SO funny! And VERY talented!! You made me laugh this AM with your funny 4 & 5 letter words.
Thanks for sharing!
Grandma Nancy Sapp

Claire M said...

Ah.... looks like fun! I'm having fun visualizing you in the process!!

Unknown said...

love the letters! Super job!!

Beedeebabee said...

My gosh, those letters are just fantastic!...and so absolutely perfect! You always amaze me, Lori! Well, along with all your other wonderful traits and talents we can certainly add determination! You go girl!!! xoxo

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