in the war of quantity versus quality, i would say that i've got it won on both counts where my paper stash is concerned. i've got a lot of it.....and i love it all! i love it so much, in fact, that my collection has grown to the point of no return. so yesterday i took a deep breath and did a nose dive right into my stash.....over on the deep end where all of the orange and yellow lovelies were hanging out......

and created this scrappy journal with them! i wasn't sure how i wanted the covers to look, so i used yummy 140lb. fabriano artistico cold press paper.....it's folded in half and glued together, making it super stiff and sturdy. this way i can go back when inspiration strikes and use acrylics, watercolors, pastels, or maybe collage.....or maybe all of these
things(?).....to make it really fun looking!

in the meantime, i can also start playing on the inside! i can tear some of those pages down a bit more.....or use some of my paper punches to make some neat patterns in the paper.....or maybe hand-sew some more paper bits to add a little texture.....or just start doodling.....or add some rub-ons from my ever-growing rub-on collection......

and when i want to jot down a few thoughts, there's lots of crisp white 70lb. paper tucked in there for some writing, too! the perfect place to put wonder into words, and playful inspiration into concrete ideas!
and now i'm wondering if the orange and yellow pretties in my stash have made me this happy, maybe i should take a dive into the blue and green section and see what happens......
journal finished using a variety of decorative papers, 70lb. writing paper, fabriano artistico 140lb. cold press paper, pva glue, waxed linen thread