setting up my new studio has been so much fun....especially now that i have space to put out all of the things that make me happy and keep me inspired! my picture ledges from ikea hold favorite artwork created by many of you (i'm slowly but surely building up a wonderful collection!). this ledge is holding artwork (left to right) from my friend judith leitch, "scatter joy" by kathy davis, the sweet little yo-yo sent to me from carol sloan, a fabulous "happy journey" print by julie king, and a beautiful piece of original brush calligraphy by eliza holliday.

my other picture ledge is showcasing (from left to right) one of my favorite diane duda prints, a calligraphy piece that i made for my little dutch boy, a happy print from the very sweet jenn over at noodle and lou, and a canvas that i painted via karen gartel at altered diva workshops.

these two little goodies are perched above my peg board....i just love to look up and see this colorful "nourish" mosaic that chrissie grace created.....and then there's the fabulous "go in the direction of your dreams" card that the very talented paper artist jen over at colorfly studio surprised me with one day!
and one huge source of inspiration in setting up my studio came from my sweet friend gina lee kim.....she was so kind to share photos of her incredible studio space and i just went nuts when i saw it! if you haven't already seen it, treat yourself to some studio eye candy here!
please click on images for a larger view!
Thanks so much Lori for your sweet comment on my blog. We are doing much better today. Isn't it amazing how much better things are handled when we take it all to the Lord and allow others prayers to cover us?
Love all the artwork in your lovely new studio. Going to check out all the creative people in hopes that it will spark some creativity in me today! HUGS!
Lori, you are the reason why I blog. :)
It's *such* an honor to know you, to share our craft space journey like this & to treasure whatever is artful/beautiful. I am positively ecstatic about your new studio & how you've made it your own. I'm so proud of you!
OK, another scary note: I HAVE THAT SAME PILLOW...I spotted it the second I saw it underneath your window in your first studio picture (July 1st post). It's the felted green tree with brown tassels that says "Life is good enjoy the little things." See! I told you we were separated at birth!
Love it! Looks great and so inspiring!
How awesome, awesome, awesome! The display looks so fresh and inspiring! I really like it! It looks as if when you walk into the studio it is bright and calling you to create something new!...:)
If I may, it would be nice to see a picture of your new studio. We've all been waiting for a long time! :)
OOPS! I am sooo very sorry! I just scrolled down and I saw your ever so beautiful studio!! It is so... of my goodness....I am so speechless!! It's BEAUTIFUL!! You are so good!!
I know you will have even more inspirations now! I knew just from the pictures that the whole studio was fresh and inviting!
You go girl!!
It got cut off but my "Life is good" pillow is the first thing one sees when I open my hutch. It's on the top shelf?....Told ya.
p.s. I'm currently working on Claudine Hellmuth's recent e-course project. I took it but never finished. I don't have a cuttlebug or half her supply list. Wish me luck...will post soon. Yours turned out beautiful!
p.p.s. Lori, I passed my nursing boards!!! Thank you for your thoughts & warm wishes. I was so relaxed on exam day :)
Oh, wow, what a great gallery you have in your studio! That is so wonderful!! Totally inspiring! :) Silke
i love the look of your new studio. i wish i had that type of room to create!
i wish you all the happiness and creativity with your new studio
Hey Lori,
Well, thanks for showing us what a dream studio would look like. Your friend's place is making me drool. I'm thinking now about what I can do to my own to make it that appealing!
Have fun in your own...
What a nice idea - to invite us in and show us around your studio. You've inspired me to do something similar. It feels like getting to know you...and your artist friends. I love doing that:).
Hi Lori - I really love your stuff too!!!! Glad to have discovered your blog! :) Love the little museum you've got going on your house! :) - Kim
look at all your art lined up like that!!!!! i love it!! thanks so much, sweet friend, for including my little print on a shelf of true talent. i may have to do something similar. i've been collecting for a while as well.
take care and thanks for the link to my blog!!
OOh I love your shelf.... so full of ideas and inspiration there.
Im always getting distracted onto so many different things too.
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