yesterday a friend called and asked me if i wanted to meet her for a movie....julie & julia....in about 30 minutes. i had a million things to do, and i'm not normally so spontaneous....but for these reasons and many more, i said "yes!" and off we went!!
it was fabulous.....i had girlfriend-catch-up time, i paid an obscene amount of money for popcorn and m&m's and called it lunch, and i laughed so hard that i had to wipe the tears from my eyes with my partially popcorn-oil-stained napkin. for two hours i didn't think about updating my flickr account, checking my etsy shop, or even sewing those two books on my work table.
please don't misunderstand, i absolutely love what i do, and every day i'm thankful for the blessing of having the time....and such a fabulous place.....to be creative! but, sometimes when i start to feel a little "creative overwhelm", walking away for a few hours is the best thing that i can do for myself. when i return to my studio, i have a new perspective on my artwork.....and lots of inspiration to get me jump-started again!
p.s. if you haven't seen julie & julia yet, i highly recommend that you head to a theater near you! it's terrific!!
it's nice to go out once in a while and enjoy a good movie. i agree that we need some time away from our creative time to refresh.
Here here! Woo hoo! I agree and am so happy you had such a fun, spontaneous get-away with a friend! (And, I can't wait to see that movie!)
well said, dear friend :)
so glad you got away for a bit to clear your mind and have a few giggles!
p.s. i have been DYING to see that movie.....gotta go!!!
Glad to have found your blog via Sarah at The Art of Moodling...will visit often...just lovely!
I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed your little escape. I loved this movie too and weren't the yummy food shots to die for?!
I have yet to see the movie...and I have a feeling that I should not go hungry! :) What a fun and spontaneous treat for yourself! Nothing like precious girl time to rejuvenate the soul!
Glad you had a great time! I will watch out for the film.
It is good to have some you time!
I've heard so many good things about this movie that I am going to have to see it. I loved Julia and used to watch her show. What a hoot she was. Will have to wait for the video to come out though....hopefully it won't take too long. Glad you had a fun 'girls' day!!!
absolutely! a good change of mental pace is always in order. i bet you returned to your studio all charged up!
I loved the movie and I love your musings about fitting art into your days!
This sounds like such a fun day. There's still time to squeeze in a little ice cream and really top it off.
I totally loved this movie and found it very inspiring as well! Wasn't that a nice break?! :)
Wishing you a beautiful week!
What fun! Sometimes, it is a good thing to be spontaneous :). I'm glad you did it. We all get a little overwhelmed. Too much of anything, good or bad, can cause us a little bit of stagnation. You did a good thing...lol.
I get paid in a few days. Hopefully, I can put some of that towards getting more repairs on the motorhome...after paying some bills...grrr :). When I had the motorhome, I would pack up on friday and be gone to the beach til sunday. When sunday came, I was usually looking forward to coming home.
Love it! Now you can let more creativity flow!
I want to see that movie!
I saw a poster for that at my local cinema... maybe i will check it out since you gave it such a good recommendation.
I saw it and loved it too!!
Hi Sweetie! Horray for "girlfriend-catch-up-time", and eating popcorn and M&M's for lunch too! We all have to step back once in a while, and take a little break. I'm so happy you had such a fun day! Hugs, Paulette ;)
Julie and Julia should pay you for this plug!!
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